Chapter 20: You make it worse.. We make it worse

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Connor was in awe when he saw me enter the basement again. It took enough time to convince him and eventually we gave up. " you just disappeared." He started to say. " I came out a long time ago to go to the bathroom, I don't know what your talking about?" I lied. Connor shook his head, "No but you, you had mud on your feet". "I went outside to get some fresh air" another lie.
"But when you left Parker and Justin started yelling your name into the pool and said you were gone" he told me. "My phone, my phone fell in the pool they were referring to my phone as being gone" I said. Connor notices my perfectly functional and dry phone on the table next to us, his mouth stays shut. It was a brief moment of recollecting our thoughts until he finally concluded "Yeah, I'm dumb I didn't see you slip away I guess". Connor shrugged and trotted away and back upstairs, where his suspicions for me would start to linger in his brain.

Later that day I explained everything to Justin and Parker. I took a sip of tea when Parker cocked her head. "Maybe.." she adjusted herself in The couch. "Maybe its the tea, those weird herbs". Justin nodded his head. " you really shouldn't be drinking that" he reached for me. I smack his hand, he pulls away, not in pain but in shock. " this tea is the only thing keeping me from dying every time I see you, and why is super strength so bad again?" I asked. Parker and Justin were making a big deal out of nothing when really they are the mad ones.

My mind was in another place, believing that this tea didn't have consequences. " fine drink it then" Justin rolled his eyes. "Good, you should give up because your not going to win" I smile. "Oh im not giving up, I'm just reevaluating" Justin stood up, "now I'm going to go pack because we are leaving tommorow". "We still have one more day" Parker exclaims. " well, with the information that we have from scarlet, I don't think it's safe to be here" Justin started to walk towards the stairs. I stop him, "Tharzius is going to be everywhere, no matter where we are he's always watching. And he won't harm us, because he needs me" I explained. " well he doesn't need Parker, or Connor or me so I'm leaving" Justin walked up the stairs. I turn around to an asleep Parker.

                               1 day later
" I want back seat" I told the group. Worth the tea cording through my veins I was free to be with Justin, but the tea didn't stop me from becoming a moodacashe, so it's best to stay away. Justin, do you mind if I drive, you seem a little tired" Connor said. My eyes lit up, of  course Connor make me sit with Justin because any excuse to ride Justin's beautiful black car is an excuse worth trying. "Shot gun!" Parker jumped into the car. Justin, half awake, limped to the back seat, about to pass out. " what got you all tired?" I said. " I don't know, I'm just a little restless lately" He slouched into the car. Connor was not a good driver at all, bumpy and making Justin more and more sick. I touch Justin's forehead. "Your hot!" I said. " I know I'm hot" he winked. Playful and laughing, I knock his shoulder. Although he wasn't himself I liked his jokes." I love you" he smiles. I awkwardly turn away, in fear of the L word. " how many times to I have to say I'm sorry" he asks. " a lot more" I answer," and you know it's not just that" I tell him. Justin's hand reaches for my face. "No" I said. The drive was quieter by more awkward.

I always think if Justin will use my words against him, he always says that he loves me, and I push him away. But we all know I'm being fake, because as reality shines it's bright and painful light on my greasy haired head then they realize I love him back because if I didn't live him, would I be drinking this tea?

I wondered whether I missed rubitha or not. Justin was passed out on his seatbelt, so close to me I could be kissing him, but I keep telling myself I don't want to. If i keep telling myself this then my brain will start to believe it and then maybe I have the slightest chance of not be aiming a miserable demon creature.
Justin, awaking from his slumber rubs his eyes, little
flakes of crust falling to his cheeks. Admiring his calm structure, my stomach churns and I know what is going to happen next. " no no no" I said. I search my backpack for my tea but it's gone, all of it. " Justin my tea, my tea" I started to panic. He didn't do anything, just smiled. I suddenly knew what happened my face was cherry mad my fist was ready to punch. " you snuck it out of my bag" I acused him angrily. He nodded his head. " it's making you different, this is healthier" justin places his hand on mine, my stomach churned even more. Connor parked in the Rubitha dorm parking lot. I jumped out of the car. " Justin the herbs was only thing keeping me able to see you, to talk to you" I said, "i did it so we can be close". " by sacrificing your health and wellbeing?" Justin got out of the car. " I was fine" I stated walking faster away from him.
. " no, you weren't" justin took a step closer to me. I backed up.

Parker got out of the car, asking Connor to stay inside. "I don't want to be near you, I can't, or I'll die" I held my stomach. It was burning. " that's an excuse" justin stumbled, His sickness was consuming him. " why would I make an excuse to see you" I yelled. Suddenly my knees fell to the ground, and Parker rushes to help but Connor gets out of the car, so Parker distracts him. " it hurts" I cried quietly. Justin ran over to me and hugged me, ignoring his own pains to comfort mine. " my tea" I cried. I spoke quieter, " my tea". Time froze as he held me and as I cried I felt bad, because I knew he had to take care of himself  before helping me. I wa making him feel worse and he was making me feel worse, we just don't work.

"Your only making it worse" I finally said, "please go". Justin got up from the ground and walked away, looking back every 2 seconds. The pain slowly goes away, but I'm still huddled in the middle of the parking lot,  leaching my stomach.

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