Chapter 28: a friendly little competition

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"Thanks" I told the driver as he dropped me off at the lodge. I hadn't packed a bag, I hadn't done anything except tell Tharzius to meet me here. "Tharzius" I said as he appeared next to me. " great spot. This was audriannas safe house, where she would go when she thought she was a moodacashe. She died before she could fully change" Tharzius told me. Serious, but soft. " hey, I'm sorry" I told him. "Seriously dont" Tharzius said. "Ok... but you love her?" I asked him. " Scarlet, I loved her with a. Passion that could could not be explained, she was beautiful, strong willed, brave, reminds me of you." He said. Then he patted my horns, " but she didn't have these babies". I growled and walked into the hut.

"Ok so I brought some picutres of Will" Tharzius showed me some old pictures we took when we were together. I didn't ask where he got it, he was a witch demon I didn't care at this point. "You need your emotions" Tharzius said. "What are we doing by the way" I said. " we are building a barrier and sheild from the gods. It's quite easy. I know it by heart. But I need help. Tharzius grabbed my hands. "Repeat after me" he says. I giggle but then he chants some random Latin. "Bla bla bla" I laugh. "Do you want the gods to notice us doing this" Tharzius dug his fingers in my hands. "Ow"I pulled my hands away. "And you think I'm bad, boy you don't know what they'll do to punish you for your sins" Tharzius said, "I want the power, they don't deserve it".

He didn't care, he never cared. Oh how I thought he cared more than Will and Justin, but he just wanted me, my death, he just wanted to be the killer. I needed his help, but I couldn't open up to him like I should, he would know to much and it would be an open path to kill me. But, something in me wasn't sad that he didn't care, just a feeling of good that I'm here. And by feel good I don't mean happy.

"Ok I'm ready" I took a breath in. He repeated the Latin chant and I followed. Weirdly I was good at speaking latin,
And didn't pronounce they words wrong. " done" Tharzius got up tom the old crusty floor. "What? Already? A barrier from the gods only takes about 1ten seconds" I cocked my head, something was off. " we are not alone are we, you wouldn't of had to pull that off with out some kind of magical power besides me" I stated. "I'm pretty powerful" Tharzius got up, "don't doubt that" he walked out and swished the door shut. I heard a click. " what, hey!" Stumbling up, I quickly ran to the newly locked door. "What is this" I slammed and slammed but the chamber held up. " she's in there, al yours" Tharzius told someone outside.

"No,I trusted you!" I lunged at the door. My arm started bleeding, but that didn't stop me from banging. " she will settle down eventually" another man said. "Mr Cheng?" I said startled. Of course. Mr Cheng patted ont he door and walked off with Tharzius, to discuss other matters.

"We have to save her" justin yelled. He scratched his head, " she's so, damn stubborn. She is so young" justin said. "But you manage to ease your way in there and screw up" Will said. "Hey" justin pushed will, " you started this". Will pushed Justin back, "you only like her for her physical image, like you do with all your girls" will yelled. "She is deferent" Justin said, "she's always been different" . Will lunged at Justin andpushed him to the ground, "you manage to take everything away from me, she was mine" Will coughed. Justin flipped Will and was on top of him. "She's not property, you jerk" . Justin threw a couple punches and Will became bloody.

Parker came running to the parking lot. "What the hell" she pulled justin away from Will, helping the blood from flowing. Will wiped his nose"thanks park" he got up. "Thanks park!" Justin mimicked in a baby voice. "Oh did a baby lose his bottle" parker whines like justin. "Yes, he did" Will laughed, " where's Scarlet?" Will laughed and laughed and laughed, parker and Justin not seeing the humor. " where is she" parker asked. " umm" justin said. "Justin if you don't tell me where she is then I will-" will cut parker before she could say something terrible, "she's gone, we don't know where she went all we know is that she went with Tharzius". Parker was frantic, pacing around the lot. " and you could stop her?" Parker said furiously. " no, she was too strong" will spoke. " well don't bother looking for her, you obviously can't control yourselves" Parker pointed at wills bloody face. " I'll look, and don't inform the police, they will ask to many questions" Parker stood next to justin. "Keys?" She said. " I'm taking your car".

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