chapter 4: Parker has a crush

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Quick note from the author: Leave comments of who you ship or who would you like to see get together....ITS A ROMANCE AFTER ALL

I walk my self to the othr building, the green building, the study building. I get an itch as i pass the vass land of poppies. I constantly look behind me to make sure that Justin isnt near me. grasping the straps to my bag, i use the building map i was given to find my first class, Supernatural studies.I was studying physics but i chose supernatural studies because that was the only other thing that was interesting. " Are you finding your class right?" Phillip comes out from behind me. I jump in shock. he was legit. " Ya, im going to supernatural studies" i say slowly trying to get my breath back. " Haha what a quinky dink, thats the class that i teach!" Mr.cheng grabs my arm and pulls it. he pushes me into a large classroom decorated in ancient spcripts. A couple people ar ehere, includeing parker. " Is this the hot Panic at the dico teacher ypu were talking about" i laugh at Parker. She looked embarassed and then she said" c'mon dude". i find my seat next to her and then i pull her to the side. " when you left, you cannot guess who i saw" i said. " britney spears?" Parker guesses.                                                                                                             "younger and male"                                                                                                                                                              "Nick jonas?"                                                                                                                                                                            "less famous"                                                                                                                                                                           "Will?"                                                                                                                                                                                        "brother". Parker dasped. she couldnt comprehendthe words that were coming out of my motuh. " i thought he was gone for good" she said. " ya, he was gone from toppleberry but he is in Rubitha" i say. " omg omg" parker started to blush, " how do i look"she said. It took me a second to comprehend what she just said. " how do you look? HOW DO YOU LOOK? why are you worried about that this is a bad thing" i tell her. she brushes her hair over her ear and gives me a look. THE LOOK. i finally get the memo. " and all this time, you never told me..... you like justin?" i say. " dont be mad" she said. " dont be mad, DONT BE MAD! you cant ask me to do that because it is humanly immpossible. he is a douche and doesnt deserve someone like you!" i said. " thanks but he may have changed" she says. sudenly justin walk into class and does a little hand shake with mr. cheng, " ya, my mans" mr. cheng said. Justin put his stuff next to my desk and came over to me and parker talking. " whats up" he says. parker holds her breath. " what a glow up" she mumbled, atleast she thought she mumbled. " nothing, please leave" i said. " well, i take this calss so, i kind of have to stay" justin says. " hey parker, nice to see you after 10 years" he said. " you look good" parker told justin. he laughed and then siad, " you too" and then he winked at me. the bell rang and the class seated. " Hello students, welcome to rubitha. im mr.cheng and im happy to inform you about the world unknown, the ancient times, the suprnatural. if you take this class you are open to the perspective of life that we havent looked at. ready to see the world form another veiw?". the whole class cheers and mr chengs puts up
a powerpoint. " its the first day, be free, but to start you off so you know what your getting yourself into, i want to share with you one of my favorite mythological stories, "fabulam amoris et pacis mortem" translated to : the story of love, peace, and death". Mr Cheng clicked to the next slide..

Authors note: please read the next chapter for a part 2 of this chapter wher you get the whole story...

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