Chapter 2: the diner of secrets

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Quick note from the author: in this chapter you meet a very important character. The rest is a filler, but the mystery of the dinner will unravel throughout the story... Enjoy! 

There is a loud thud as Will pulls into the parking lot of "diner diner". " what a unique name" I say. Will and I exchanged glances, it reminded us of home. The diner wa sold, rundown, and smelled like old pancakes..... yup, just like home. " I'm too hungry to care" will jumps out of the car. Laughing and agreeing, I climb out of the car, too."ibet we won't be going off campus a lot, there's nothing for miles except this place" Will groans. " well let's hope the food is good" I swing the door open. The bells sings as I enter, and a staff member is waiting to seat us. The walls are neon and covered in pink paint. There are many booths. " welcome to diner diner how can I help you" she said. " table for 2 " I say. She smiles, grabs three menus, and sits us at a table in the corner. "Thanks but we only need two menus" Will said as she places the third one next to him. " don't worry" she says in a robotic tone, " someone is coming to join you shortly". I cock my head at her. " did you invite anyone" Will asks me. " only Parker, but she declined" I said. Even without the menu, the diner was off. We weren't the wonky ones there, but everyone in the restaurant was zombie like, and the menu was in another language. " what is this?" Will reads the menu, " italian?". "Scar, I just want something to eat and if I have to pull out some google translate I will" he says. I have never left my home till now, but I steady regret my decision. Suddenly I know who is visiting us, will's brother. " Justin" I mumble. "What?" Will says. " nothing" I said. I rethink my decision, I don't want him to think that I'm thinking about his brother more than him. Suddenly a tall man enters the room with thin blinds har and a pitch black eye. The other eye is a bright green. He is the one to sit next to us, not Justin, I was wrong. " Phillip cheng" he reaches his hand across the table to me, Will eyes are wide open. " who are you?" I ask. " I just told you, Phillip cheng" he laughs, " I love that joke. I'm your supernatural studies teacher. I came here for a drink, found out my student was here, and decided to join you. Rubitha is just a wonderful school, it's old but feels like home". he gives us a creepy smile showing his chipped teeth. Even if he was who he said he is, I had a bad feeling about him. His aura sent shivers down my spine, and I know he had the same effect on Will. " I just wanted to say hi" Phillip states. " well hi, I'm scarlet" I say. " look, I got to go, many things to do and many people to greet, enjoy your meal" he says. " what meal?" I say as he gets up to leave. Without answering, he walks out the door. The waitress come over with a cheeseburger for Will and a salad for me. Wow, this really is creepy, we didn't even order yet. " so the Spanish language menus don't work, you just say what you want?" Will says. " it's latin, the menu is latin" the waitress hums as she walks away. " why use latin?" i poke my fork into the layers off lettuce and tomato. Will shrugs. " do you believe what that philip guy said?" i ask. " ya, i mean, we are not even special, why would some freak guy just randomly show up, he must be legit" will said. I nodded, even with wills reassurance, i couldn't be so certain his intentions were pure...

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