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The one currency which is valued the most
In today's language is called trust.

There are a lot of situations
Where trust becomes a prerequisite to solve the tension.

We trust the driver in a car
And we trust the soldier in a war

We trust a friend in our need
We trust a stranger in our greed

We trust the mother and her knife
We trust a person with our precious life

But what happens when our trust is broken
When all those secrets that were buried, are brought out In the open

The trust breaker doesn't seem to care
The worst part is when the one whose trust has been broken isn't even aware

The strong and mighty instantly recovers
But the weak ones run to find covers

To those weak ones, I want to say
Stand your ground, don't sway

Forgive, never be angry or seek revenge
In seven billion people, who will you avenge?

Thanks for Reading!
Have a Nice Day.

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