2: I could be Sober

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Dawn 2

The Keepers, as they always do, light their sticks and whip them into the pile of scraps in the center. People scream and cheer as the logs catch a flame, ripping into the night sky, and I find myself laughing into Frankie's shoulder next to me.

Now, I can finally drink for fun. Ben is intensely suffering and as a bonus I can party. My arm is looped around Frankie's as we drink together. The liquid burns down my throat. Finishing first, I begin to shout and Gladers join in with me, our cries echoing throughout the Glade. Masking over those of Ben's.

The Track-hoes have a band of buckets they bang against, since they've already been shucked since they got off work. Gally doesn't seem to mind though; this month he managed to grow more than usual and now there is a whole ton of his drink.

"Shut your shucking trap shank," Fry grabs my arm, shaking me from side to side. "You'll wake up the shucking Grievers."

Let them come, they don't scare me.

I turn around, searching for Leo. My eyes land on her, and I tear her away from her words with Jeff. Frankie, who is close behind me, hands me two glasses (one of which is his and one of which is knew) freshly filled with liquid. She tentatively takes it from my hands.

"You shucked already?" She has to yell over the crowd as she leans into me. Her face is so close to mine.

I shake my head back and forth, gesturing for her to drink. We down the glasses at the same time, and I am surprised how well she holds the amber liquid. She must've been one of the shanks who's been stealing it out from Gally's nose. Playfully, I shove her and she laughs.

"Dee, turn around," I spin at Frankie's words as he shoves a hand through the crowd. "The Greenbean is moving up on Michelle." At this he grabs me, pulling me away from Leo to get a better look.

It's true. Though the shank stands awkwardly in the corner, I watch as Jackson and Billy, those two shuck Baggers, egg on him to go talk to Michelle. I roll my eyes, but can't help the playful smile on my face. This should be fun.

The Greenie shuffles forward, unsure of her stare. He sits down next to her on the log. Michelle glances at him out of the corner of her eye, and the Greenie falls off the log. I'm glad I'm not the old one who laughs. He gets up, shrugging the dirt off his shoulders and glaring at the two Baggers.

"You'd think for Baggers you'd cause less trouble," I holler over, at the two. Billy is nice, from what I understand. He is the one who threw Jackson in the Slammer and demoted him for trying to get Michelle banished. Still, it seems he enjoys messing with people, and has forgiven Jackson in the long run.

"Baggers're creepy fellas," Minho's voice leans in next to me. He has a hand pressed up against me, just under the hem of my shirt.

"You tryna get caught Maze Boy?" It's so loud that I have to yell the words, but Frankie is suddenly wrapped up trying to talk the Greenie into going back to Michelle.

Minho shrugs. "What is it you said to me when Greenie you were up shuckin' ten feet in the air, hanging off the Walls?"

"I asked you about being around when I was in trouble," I tease. "You asked me why I was always shuckin' climbing things. Not vice versa shank."

"If you have such a perfect memory, tell me how we shuckin' got here," his tone is playful as he moves his hands around to the sides of my hips.

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