50: I could be loving

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Dawn 50

"Try to drag me on, you shucking creep, I'll rip your eyes out of your head," I pull my arms from the arms who grip them. "I'm not going without Leo. We need to go back for her."

The man behind me turns me around and grabs my shoulders with tight fists. He leans down so that we are eye to eye. "She got shot. We had to leave her."

She can't be dead. She can't be, I feel my feet stumble out from beneath me, slipping in the puddle on the ground. Minho grapples the man, tackling him. With heavy arms he shoves the man onto the ground. He glances at me out of the corner of his eye, huffing.

"I didn't need your help," I tell him, maybe trying to convince myself.

Minho nods, "I know, but I couldn't stay back without Leo. Or you. It's why I helped."

Yeah, I guess that's fair. The man begins to get up, and then Minho kicks him back down. He puts a foot down on the man's back, preventing him from standing up.

The other man tries to decide if he is going to come over to help, or if he needs to keep a grip on Thomas and Newt instead. Those two are putting up a fight as the other man tries to usher them on to the bus.

I move the soaking strands of hair out of my face, looking at Minho. He stares off in the distance, trying to see something with his deep brown eyes. His lips are parted slightly, and I can't help but imagine what they feel like against mine.

"Klunk," Minho whispers, getting off the man next to me.

There is a woman running, maybe 25 metres away.

The man slowly peels himself off the ground, the other guard abandoning Thomas and rushing over to help him.

"You'll save us all," a woman charges towards us, shouting. Her body is riddled with open wounds and sores, and her clothes are ripped. "You're gonna save us from the Flare."

She tackles Thomas to the ground, leering over his face. Newt recoils instinctively. Minho grabs me, pulling me back from the two wriggling on the ground. This is the first he has held me since I tried to leave him. Everything feels so natural again.

The guard grabs the woman, ripping her away.

"I said, get on the bus!" He yells to us, turning his attention to the woman.

I can't leave without Leo. I look back at the door, praying she has made it.

Leo is there. She's lying on the ground, face first, with Ella on her back.

Newt notices at the same time. He beats the guard off him, moving over to her. Moving slowly, he hovers over her body. I wait to hear him start crying, because then I'll know what I suspect is true. Neither of them are moving.

"She's alive," he calls over.

I dart out of Minho's hands, moving to their bodies. I grab Ella, trying to lift her weight off Leo. She is surprisingly light, and I easily pick her up and bring her inside the bus. I drop her in any empty seat at the front. Out of the tinted window, I can see that Newt has Leo. He carries her inside the bus, while I stand and wait for him. As soon as he is on, the bus lurches forward. I help hold the two up, moving them over to a seat closer to the front. Minho is already inside, a few rows back.

Clint is in the seat behind Ella, who doesn't seem to notice I've dropped her in his care. My muscles ache from Ella's weight. Slowly, I make my way over to Minho. He almost seems surprised when I sit down next to him. As if we still aren't okay. I guess, after those few days I thought we might not be.

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