27: I could be Moving

115 4 11

Michelle 27

I am picking at the grass, trying to find myself fascinated by the green blades in my hands. They are over-grown, yet still small. Nobody ever cuts it, not just because we don't have time but because we have nothing to cut it with. I don't know why I'm thinking about it. I've got better things to be doing than waste my time.

Well, not many anymore. Gally is gone. Dave and I still aren't talking. I can't face Winston after what we did. Doug and Jackson are probably still lurking around.

"Hey," Dawn's voice rings out behind me. I don't look up at her, so she moves down to sit next to me. "Aren't you supposed to be at that meeting?"

"What meeting?" I was planning on paying her no mind, but now I'm interested. Barely interested. Even if I have been avoiding the Builders, I still am part of their circle. I still have a right to know about the meetings, or whatever.

"Aren't you guys picking a new Keeper, now that Gally is gone?" She asks gently.

My body, from my toes to my torso, stiffens. They are already picking a new Keeper? Gally has been gone for two days.

I am up on my feet, moving away from Dawn. Half of me expects her to chase after me, and the other half of me wants her to try and stop me. The third half, the strongest half, doesn't give half a klunk what she does, and just wants to go find their meeting.

I guess the fourth half is really bad at math.

I round the back of the Homestead, and there they all are sitting together.

Adam is the first one to notice me. Then, Doug, Dave, Dan, and a few I don't bother to know. All six of them sitting in a circle and staring at me. I can't tell if they are surprised I showed up or pissed. If anything, none of them have any right to be shocked to see me here. I belong here.

"You're picking a new Keeper?" I ask.

Dave is up on his feet, moving towards me. He stands directly in front of me, so close our breaths mix together. I don't know what I am expecting him to say. He doesn't offer any sort of response except the continuing rise and fall of his chest. His hair is so dark, and his eyes are so blue. I find myself falling deeper and deeper into them.

"Gally is gone, ain't he?" Adam offers, his voice quiet.

"Maybe she's hiding him in her bedroom."

I duck around Dave to see Doug. His face pales when his eyes land on mine. Dave grabs hold of my arm, the force behind it weak. He isn't forcing me, he is asking me.

"Why aren't I here?" I ask, looking around. "I'm a Builder, ain't I?"

"We thought you were moved to the Slicers," Adam tries to reassure me, glancing from Doug to me. "We didn't think you'd be coming back."

"Was moved to them because Ben was a wannabe rapist, but I bet ya'll knew that." I am surprised at the words racing out my mouth. Why am I even talking? Why am I giving them the time of day?

I shrug out Dave's hand, joining their circle. No one is going to send me away, either out of fear, or out of the realization that just six Builders won't get the job done on time. I know my klunk; I belong here just as much as the rest.

No one says anything for a minute. Eventually, Dave moves, sitting down next to me. His eyes avoid mine, but mine rest on his skin. Looking at him makes my stomach burn. Regret within me.

"So," Adam clears his throat, but adds nothing. Honestly, I hate the silence and the nervousness, and the shaking hands. Just get to the point.

"I think it should be Adam," Dave offers, again. "The spot belongs to him."

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