15: I could be Harder

137 6 6

Michelle 15

Alby is still screaming.

I get he's going through the Changing, and it sucks and whatever, but its been like eight shucking hours and he hasn't shut it yet. Like, can't they just sedate him or something? I'm going to lose it. There has never been a point where I've been closer to beating the shuck out of somebody.

"I don't shucking like him," Gally is pacing around the Bloodhouses. He's halted construction for the day, and I don't think I blame him. There is no way anyone is ever going to finish that bathroom. From what Gally says, Dave has been hanging around the Kitchen more lately, so it is essentially him and a couple of slintheads trying to build the klunk thing.

"Nobody is asking you to like him," Winston continues to cut up the pig. If he doesn't, we aren't having lunch tomorrow. Other than tending to the animals, this is all the work he's doing for the day. With all the klunk that's been happening, it's given everyone a great excuse not to work.

Winston is starting to grow on me, I guess. He is still sweaty, and still has beady little eyes and the moustache of a man who's trying to prove something about his masculinity. Still, at least he is decent company, and holds normal opinions. Even though I know he is up to something.

"Well, asking me not to kill the Greenie is basically the same thing," Gally counters, crossing his arms over his chest, and planting his feet on the floor.

"You're such a shucking baby," I roll my eyes from where I sit on the counter. My feet hang limply over the edge, my arms crossed across my chest. "He saved Alby's life."

Gally can't seem to handle himself. Whether he hates the girls, or Dave, or the Greenie, he's got to hate somebody. Not that I don't think the Greenie is evil; he probably is. Such a sniveling little brat.

Gally has a problem though, as far as I can tell. He's obsessive, and Winston doesn't help the situation. He does the only thing Winston can do: aggravate.

"Which is suspicious," Winston agrees with Gally. "Nobody survives out there, and the shucking Greenie does? Smells worse than the cow's pen."

"I bet you he's one of the Creators." Gally suggests, glaring at me. "And who are you to shucking call me a baby for wanting to murder the guy? You're the one who got Ben killed."

"Ben got Ben killed," I argue back, sliding off the counter. "I just encouraged."

Winston shakes his head. He's done with the pig, so he's putting it on a plate so someone can bring it to the Kitchen. "Ben was a good shank. Bit of a tool, yeah, but he was a good Runner."

"Ben tried to force Dawn and me to shack him. Blackmailed Dawn with the Minho stuff. Klunk guy."

Winston shrugs again, but Gally remains silent. Shanks, both of them. I didn't want Winston to know I got Ben killed, but apparently Gally trusts the guy. Winston's one of the only Keepers who sides with Gally frequently (besides the Keeper of the Baggers, but I don't talk to him). I wish Gally would keep better company than with sleazy shanks who hate women.

Although, Gally is a sleazy shank who hates women, so whatever.

"Ben's dead now anyway. Would be one way or another." Winston points out.

I guess that's fair. Now that Minho and Dawn are public, they'd probably tell everybody what Ben did. He'd be banished despite all the trouble. Maybe now I can stop hanging out with Winston and go back to the Builders.

Honestly, sometimes I think I'd rather hang out with Doug than this guy. It's not often. Just sometimes.

"Let's just hope they banish Minho and the Greenie." Gally continues walking.

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