18: I could be Sick

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Dawn 18

They told Chuck to screw off until they could get through this part of the meeting. I'm glad we aren't postponing it, any longer.

"So, I take it we all want to get out of here," Newt calls out. "So, can we make this as brief as shucking possible?"

Everyone seems to nod in agreement. That bit with Thomas took so long. I'm surprised they made me sit through the whole thing. Leo said something about why earlier, but I was too nervous to pay attention. I think I could throw up again.

"No recommendation," Zart begins.

"Not surprised, as always," Newt shakes his head back and forth. "Fry-pan?"

Fry-pan looks at me smiling. "I don't know why we aren't throwing a celebration. I get that you shanks voted in favour of the no touching klunk, but I'm against it to shuck. Wasn't the rule meant to protect the girls from klunk they don't want, and stop fighting? As long as Dawn and Minho are happy, why do I give a shuck?"

"You saying we go down with the rule?" Newt asks.

Fry nods. From what Minho told me, only he and Fry were against the rule. Leo wasn't a member of the council yet, so I'm out of luck there. I know she won't vote to banish me. The other consequences seem fair game.

Newt moves on, gesturing to the next boy.

"No recommendation," I never learned the Keeper of the Sloppers' name. He's always nice to me though, like Chuck. "Sorry, but I don't even know what to do here."

"How long has this been happening?" Winston pipes in, looking back and forth between me and Minho.

Is the proper answer since we got here? I don't know what he means by this. Did it start when he kissed me? When we decided it wasn't a one-time thing? When I stayed the night in his room?

"A while now," Minho offers. "Practically since she got here. Probably kissed her while you shanks decided to banish Michelle."

I never think about how new I was then. Michelle always gripes about how she didn't get it when we first got here. She had been here five days. I guess we didn't get the rules then.

It's been more than a month, which is weird. Time seems so much slower here. Everything takes so long. Makes it's because something insane is always happening.

"No one knew this whole time?" Someone else asks.

"Shuck half the Glade knew," I pop in.

"I knew," Fry offers, trying to diffuse the situation. "That was awkward to walk into."

I glare at him, but I don't have it in me to frown. It's practically impossible to be mad at Fry.

"Leo and I knew as well," Newt chimes in. "As does Alby. Michelle knew too."

"I think Dave figured it out," I offer.

"Ben." Minho spits it out.

Right, he knew. I'm glad everyone knows now. I feel a lot safer. I don't think they'll banish us for this. If we get into the whole Ben thing, the violence is still on the table though. Then, they'll have to bring Michelle in too. That'll be a mess.

"So, at this point who didn't know?" Winston offers. "And what's with Ben?"

I glance straight over at Minho. It wasn't in me to approach this conversation. I didn't want to open this. Newt coughs, glancing over at Leo, who looks back over at me.

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