34: I could be Sleeping

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Dawn 34

Teresa doesn't say much when she enters the room. She sees me, gives me some weird form of a half-hearted smile, and curls up under the window in the corner. From where I sit on the bed, I toss her a blanket. Why is she being so weird and distant? She nods, but still doesn't offer me a word.

She's a bit rude, I think, but I can't really say I blame her. They locked up Michelle too, and look how angry she still is. It can mess with your head, being trapped in those blood covered walls. Never mind that she has only been awake for 24 hours. Talk about knocking your socks off with information.

I have to hand it to her Teresa being calm. She seems smart too. Even if she is a bit of a shank.

Leo walks in too, only seconds later. She stands still, her brown eyes scanning the floor.

"How'd it go?" I pat the spot on the bed next to me.

She seems relieve to sit down with me. Did she think I'd let her sleep on the floor? She looks down, lowering her voice. "Sorry for bringing Teresa in. I didn't want to make her sleep outside."

"No problem," I whisper back, just as lightly. I had a feeling Leo would invite the stranger in anyway. If we get Michelle and her wood chipper face, and Ella, and we'd have a slumber party for the jacked in here. "What did Newt want to talk about?"

"The usual," she replies. Her ears tinge pink though, so I can tell she is lying. She gnaws at the inside of her cheek.

I wonder if she knows I notice her nervous habit. It would impossible not to, since its in my face practically everyday. I nod anyway and wish her goodnight.

I don't fall asleep. I couldn't if I tried. My eyes don't feel heavy, and I can feel blood coursing through my body. It's already dark out, the Doors haven't closed, and Minho is gone. I can't fall asleep without him here. I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm awake.

It's a few hours later that I hear the whirring. Even though she is near the window, Teresa remains as peacefully asleep as she was before. I've been awake though, so I pull the sheets up and look around. Leo was waiting at the doorway already, moving into the center of the room. She had gotten up an hour ago and has been roaming the halls since. I doubt she knows I've been awake.

If the creature comes for this room, it's going to come through the window, where Teresa is. I have some comfort knowing it will get her first. The thought makes my stomach twist, since, do I really wish death upon someone I barely know?

Leo doesn't open the door. Simply, she presses her ear up against it and listens.

Screaming erupts from above us.

That's where our official bedroom is. That's where I should be tonight.

There is banging, and I can feel the whole room shaking. I grab hold of Leo to keep myself from falling over.

"Adam!" Someone screams.

I know Adam. He's a Builder, and maybe four of them went to sleep in our room. Maybe all of them, maybe they are all dead.


"Somebody help him! It's got him!"

I can't move my feet from where they are planted on the ground.

The house stops shaking, and the screaming stops. Once more, everyone is silent. I imagine all the boys in the hallways, their ears pressed to the floor, their bodies frozen in fear. I can hear the heartbeats resting, as we all realise it isn't us. Not tonight.

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