17: I could be Vocal

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Leo 17

I wish I could get to vote in the first half of the Gathering. Since I'm not technically a Keeper, I don't get to say what I think about the whole Thomas situation. Well, if I wanted to I could say something, but I don't get a vote out of it like the rest of the guys do.

I only get to be here to see what we are doing about Dawn and Minho. Since I actually can vote to help her.

Zart gives his opinion, as neutral as always (since he refuses to ever come to any sort of concrete decision on anything), while Gally grippes on.

"This is ridiculous," he mutters.

Newt, at this point, has grown tired of his heckling. We've been here almost ten minutes, and no one has been heard yet except Zart. Poor Thomas is staring forward, either terrified out of his wits by Gally, or worried he's going to be banished like Ben. I'll actually lose my klunk if that happens.

I didn't do enough when Michelle was banished. If they try to banish Thomas after he saved two people, I'll actually light the Homestead on fire.

Maybe I won't, but I could get Michelle to do it for me. I'd barely have to ask.

"Fry-pan?" Newt offers to the boy.

Fry-pan straightens himself, stroking his beard. "Greenie's gutsier than any shuckin' animal I've ever seen. Saved a bunch of lives, and here we are harpin' about what to do with him."

"You're recommendation?" Newt asks further.

Fry-pan grins, looking at Thomas. "Put him on the council, get him to teach us what he knows."

At this Gally loses his absolute mind. He's practically leaping at the kid, while Winston mutters under his breath. Clint shakes his head, while Billy starts to affirm Gally's statement. Then Minho jumps in yelling and I can't even begin to pick out words people are saying.

Gatherings tend to go like this. Gally's a little wilder than usual, as is Minho, but otherwise nothing abnormal is happening.

From across the circle, Fry-pan winks at me. I'm a bit taken aback. Was he trying to cause the chaos, or did he know that I'd agree with him? After all, I'm already an honorary member of the council, elected to serve the girls. A democratic vote, if you will.

"Will you shanks shut you shuckin' holes?" Newt is trying to stay calm, but he isn't doing a good job. He wrings his hands, trying to stop them from shaking. "No ideas too jacked, and you'll all get your bloody vote. This isn't a playground."

I wish Newt and I could talk, but I messed it all up when I kissed him. I don't think he's like me, judging by the way he stormed out the room. There isn't a word that I know for what I am, or what he is, or I guess what people like Dawn are. He just, doesn't like girls. It seems that I like everyone.

Well, not everyone. Just, both.

Tim is next- the cute Keeper of the Sloppers. He's the youngest out of all of us, even though he isn't anywhere near a Greenie. He might even be younger than Ella. My best guess is he is 14, maybe pushing 15.

"I don't know. I don't think I have an opinion"

Newt gives him a funny look. "No opinion?"

"If anything I agree with Fry," he shrugs his shoulders up and down.

Newt grumbles, but breathes in he writes it down on the sheet. "So you do have an opinion?"

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