47: I could be a Fighter

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Michelle 47

I can hear Dawn screaming, as the Griever holds her in the air.

I duck away, leaving Winston to himself. Ducking beneath bodies and the like, I arrive beneath her, her feet hanging over my head.

"Jump!" I call out to her.

She can't hear me since she is screaming so much. I grab her knife off the ground, stabbing one of the Griever's legs with it like I do the spear, trying to cut through the few small wires that hold it together. It slaps me with it's metal blade, sending me skidding across the floor. Thankfully it was my right side, which is already blind. My skin hurts though, the scab has no doubt been ripped open. My arm feels heavy, but it's only skinned. I pick myself up off the ground, wiping the blood off my temple. I feel a bit dizzy, but I charge forward anyway.

Leo is already at the Griever, charging it where its leg attaches to its body. She uses a scrap metal rod to stab it, shoving the metal in. She isn't strong enough.

I run forward, grabbing the rod from her and shoving it in.

"Bend it!" She screams over the sounds. "Forty-five degrees to the ground."

I listen to her, bending the tool in.

"Shove it when I tell you too." She tells me, backing up. She picks up her bat off the ground, whiping it at the Griever. It turns to look at her, reaching the leg we've attacked at her.


I shove the bar in deeper. It gets stuck between the gears, and they can't turn. The limb is stuck in the air upright, unable to move. The arm that holds Dawn dips to the ground, trying to counterbalance. She lets go, leaping through the air further away from the Creature. The arm she held smashes to the floor, causing shards of metal skid across the ground. The creature rolls to its side, stuck. It can't get up.

"Oh shuck," I mutter under my breath.

I hadn't even thought about the body joint as a vulnerable spot. I can't believe Leo picked it out.

Dawn rolls the bat across the ground back to Leo, picking up her own weapon. Her eyes trail across the ground while she wrings her hands together. It's a nervous tick.

Three legs and the Griever is out, and we've each figure out a different way to take down a leg.

"Tag team?" Leo asks.

"As long as its you getting tag teamed and not me." Dawn jokes, trying to make light of the situation.

I grab my spear from the Griever's gears, nodding in agreement. Before waiting for them, I move on to the next creature. I shove in the spear at its knee joint. It spins around to see me, but I manage to follow the leg. Beating in the spear until a couple of the metal pieces snap, and the bottom of the leg dangles off. Dawn is still using her knife to rip through the metal pieces, to find the one that snaps, but her and Leo seem to be doing well with her metal rod.

I turn around, moving to the next Griever. It has Billy in its claws. I move in, stabbing the gears that hold it with Billy. It drops Billy with that arm, picking him up with two others, and ripping his body in half. It whips the top against the ground, until his rips have collapse in on themselves, and his intestines spill on the ground. I back away. This one is intense. I don't even grab my spear, running for it.

My feet sprint further and further down the corridor, ducking through fights.

Doug stares at me, watching me charge towards him. I blow past the boy, who stands still on his feet. "Run."

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