The Interview of Airflyer

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Joy: So, I lost the comment, but I think our squad now has a Titan.... And they sound EPIC.

Joy: But now, for our next interview, please help me welcome, drum roll please....MY BESTIES AIR AND NIGHTFLYER!

*Air and Nightflyer appear*

Air: Hi!

Nightflyer: Hello!

Joy: Congrats on being our first double interview.

Nightflyer: Cool.

Joy: Alright, FIRST QUESTION! From Thorn5, Nightflyer, how do you survive living with Air?

Nightflyer:.......Um, the same way I survive everyone? Air's pretty normal when you get her away from anything S-U-P-E-R-N-A-T-U-R-A-L related.

Air: What does that spell?

Nightflyer: Nothing!

Joy: Okay. Candy wants to know "Air can you name every hybrid, royalty or dragon related or friends with you or the dragonets of destiny. and to both did you know there used to be a thing called Joyflyer?"

Air: Oh boy. There's....uh....

Nightflyer: Try staring with the hybrids.

Air: Hybrids that are related to/friends with us and the DOD. Okay, here we go. Sunny....Does Peril count as a hybrid since her father is technically a Rainwing?

Nightflyer: No.

Air: Okay, then there's me, Joy, Rainkeeper, Squelch....I think that's it?

Joy: Good enough. And the second question?

Nightflyer: There used to be a thing called Joyflyer? WTF.

Air:.......That BETTER not be what I think it is.

Joy: Unfortunately, it is.

Air: *growls*

Nightflyer: Air, come on. You know that'll never happen.

Air: Good....

Joy: Rayvee asks "What's your favorite DoD ship that isn't your parents? Thoughts on Darkstalker? Do you like cats? Opinions on four-winged dragons? Thoughts on HiveWings, LeafWings and SilkWings?"

Nighflyer: Favorite ship?

Air/Nightflyer: GLORYBRINGER!

Nightflyer: Darkstalker is.....terrifying....

Air: He's an assbutt.


Nightflyer: They're okay, but I think they're plotting to murder me, so I like dogs better.

Air: Four-winged dragons? That's be weird...

Nightflyer: Biologically, that'd be very interesting.

Air: Hivewings sound like bees, and Cas like bees, so I guess I'd like them.

Nightflyer: Silkwings sound pretty.

Air: And leafwings sound kinda dull.

Joy: Next question, from KittyCats2468. "Air, What would you do if Nightflyer cheated on you. What do you guys think about Emple. Which ship is better: Emberstalker (Ember and Darkstalker) or Hopestalker (hopeseeker and darkstalker) What is your least favorite ship"

Air: Love the username. 

Air: If Nightflyer cheated on me....

Nightflyer: Which I would never do.

Air: I don't know. I'd be sad at first, maybe disappointed, but then I'd get mad and have Crowley send a hellhound after him.

Nightflyer: Ow.

Air: I like Emple. 

Nightflyer: I think it's funny.

Air: Why?

Nightflyer: Because you and Rainkeeper were such good friends in school, and now your dragonets are dating each other.

Air: Oh yeaaaa.

Joy: Emberstalker or Hopestalker?

Nightflyer: Does that actually exist?

Joy: I didn't think so until now...

Air: Well, if I HAVE to choose...

Nightflyer: Neither.

Air: Hoperstalker.

Nightflyer: WHAT! WHY?!?!

Air: Because then we still have Emple. But HOPESTALKER IS NOT HAPPENING EITHER!

Joy: Yeah, we were smart and kept Darkstalker UNDER the mountain.

Nightflyer: I think we're gonna deem that our least favorite ship.

Air: Next to Faithflyer, of course.

Nightflyer: EW!!!!

Joy: How do you feel about Ember and Hope's relationships?

Air: We're good with Ember.

Nightflyer: And Hope doesn't have a relationship.

Air: Yet.

Nightflyer: no, NEVER.

Air: Mhhmmmm.

Joy: And that is all the questions we have for you today! But, I have a bonus one.

Nightflyer: Okay.

Joy: Air, how would you feel about having your own squad called the Air Force?

Air:.......What would we do?

Joy: Whatever you want.

Air:.....Who would be in it?

Joy: Whoever you want.

Air:.......Could I dedicate solid pages to Supernatural?

Joy: Air, you could have Canon Destiel in there if you really wanted.

Air: OMG YES!!!!!


Nightflyer: Oh boy *facetalons*

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