New Roommates

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This is experimental, I'm not sure how this one-shot will be received but I had to write it down. It's inspired from this episode from Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, it's the one where the Eds move into Rolf's shed, and for some reason, it felt like something the Guardians of the Galaxy would do if they moved in with the Avengers.
I hope the hilarity in my mind is able to transfer to the computer so enjoy.

"(y/n)," You hear Tony's voice as he enters the kitchen, a stern look etched into his face, "I thought we talked about this." "I have no idea what you're talking about," you answer honestly, to which Tony motions for you to follow him to the gym.

"Oh that," you realized when you saw the packs of dogs running about in the gym. "You do remember we have a no filthy animal inside the compound facility, right?" he reminds you, "You after what happened last time." "One small dog makes a mess on your imported rug, and you lose your mind," you sigh, "They're not gonna be here long, it's just till the shelter makes more room, they'll be coming to pick em up an hour from now." "Better be," Tony shakes his head, "Bad enough I'm running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang, I don't need to be cleaning up after actual animals. Now if you'll excuse me I have some things to take care in the shed."

The shed was not an actual shed, by the way, it was just a small, outside lab Tony had installed for when he really needed peace and quite.

Tony opens the door to the shed only to find a rather large Burmese Mountain Dog inside, "(y/n)! I thought I emphasized that filthy animals do not belong in the shed of all places here!" "Hiya, Stark," the Guardians of the Galaxy greet inside, minus Gamora. "And that is really no way to speak to Mantis, Stark" Drax retorts, stroking a mini poodle he was holding. "I wash and groom myself regularly," Mantis agrees. "I am Groot." Groot adds.

"Wait, what is going on?" Tony stares wide-eyed, "Who gave you permission to come in here, especially you idiots of all people." "Whoa, whoa, man, take it easy," Peter Quill insists, "It's only temporary."

"What are you bitching about this time?" you groan as you, Steve, and Thor peak into the shed, only to find some new, yet very familiar faces, "Oh hey guys." "Tree, Rabbit," Thor greets with blithe, "I had no idea you would be visiting us so soon." "Yeah, none of us did," Tony grumbles, "Wait," Tony takes a headcount, "There's one missing. Where's the hot, green one?" "I think he's talking about Gamora," you chide in. "Present," you hear Gamora's voice behind you as she enters the shed with a few bags in tow, "Just had to pick up the last of our belongings."

"Look all we're asking is for a place to crash till the ship is repaired," Peter explains. "Yeah, it sorta got damaged going through some asteroids," Rocket adds in, "But don't worry, with my mechanical know-how, we'll up n' running in 6-9 days." "69 days?" Tony exclaims. "No, six to nine," Rocket corrects, "Idiot." 

"If you need a place to stay, you guys could always bunk in the main building," Steve offers, "We have plenty of rooms-" "No, the shed will do for them," Tony insists, "Also I just remembered there aren't any vacant rooms right now." "Wait I thought-" you were about to begin but Tony quickly covers your mouth, "You really want to cleaning up tree sap and racoon leavings the next six to nine days?" he whispers. "I guess the shed could work," you concede.

"So please, do make yourselves at home," Tony addresses the Guardians, "After all I'm sure the rest of our team wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing the A team was running around the streets."

Tony turns to leave, you, Thor, and Steve follow suit. "For a pretentious A-hole, that Stark really is an upright fellow," Drax observes. "Yeah he really is one of a kind," Peter sarcastically agrees. "Alright, enough chatter, let's unpack," Rocket butts in, "Let's start with the big one." The talking racoon hops up on top the large bag and unzips it. Instantly all the contents spread out, conveniently organized in the shed. "Tell me you did not pull apart the whole inside of the ship and stuff it in that bag," Peter shakes her head. "What, the man did tell us to make ourselves at home," Rocket points out. "That didn't mean screwing the ship even more than it already is," Peter interjects. "Rocket we're only here till we get the ship repaired," Gamora agrees, "We're not on vacation." "Relax, as soon as that's done, I'll make sure everything is back on the ship exactly where I found it," Rocket assures, "In the mean time, what's for dinner?" 

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