A Bold Stance Part 2

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--------Avengers Compound----------------

"I can't believe this!" Will Firestein exclaims as he paces back and forth while everyone else was seated. Since the news came out with Tony's repulsed face and people across social media were making comments about Banger Man and the problematic things he's done over the years, having this guy as the new face for the Avengers was starting to not look so good.

Firestein turns to Tony in anger, "Everyone was willing to forgive, forget and let me start anew. Why couldn't you?" "Hey, don't look at me," Tony shrugs, "Charity should've served better cheese. And I'm not the one who instigated this whole thing in the first place, it's all fake news." "You have any idea how furious my publicist is right now?" Firestein glares. "Ooh, the big spooky publicist," Tony rolls his eyes, "I sure hope they won't give me any paper cuts or stab me with the paper clips."

"Alright, alright, boys, calm down no need to go all political, we can fix this," Maria Hill assures, "I made a few calls to the Daily Bugle and it turns out some of the hosts for the Bugle's sister network, 'The Horn,' owe me some favors, which I decided to call in. Tony is going to go on live on the show and set the record straight that this was all a very big misunderstanding." "I am?" Tony seemed confused but changed his tune when he saw the disapproving look on Maria's face, "Oh, I am. Yep, that's me, going on TV and setting records straight. Because cleaning up other people's mess is part of what I do."

-----------On Set for the Horn-------

Later that day, Tony went live on the air on "The Horn," sister network of the Daily Bugle, but has more of a inclusive, female-centric angle in all things politics, social media, etc.
Tony was seated right in the middle of the female hosts for the Horn.

"So Tony," the first host begins, "We understand you're here to clear the air about the face you made at the dinner when Will Firestein made his debut." "Well," Tony answers, "To set the record straight, the face in question was made because of some bad cheese and-" "And you're lactose intolerant, which reminded you that Firestein lacks tolerance?" the second host jumps in, "Or respect for that matter? Respect for women?" "Well I don't know about that," Tony says, "but-" "And the cheese is symbolism that it stands alone?" the third host quips in, "But no woman should stand alone against sexual harassment or domestic violence?" "Okay, I think you might reading a little too much into this," Tony speaks up, "It wasn't any of those things, it was just-" "So you're saying it's not any of those things?" the fourth host interrupts, "but more of an accumulation? Say, some of many of the things our culture tolerates and normalizes even though those things are incredibly toxic and harmful to women and many minorities?" "No, it's not that, it's-" "It is incredible that you're even making a stand against this teammate of yours," the First host commends, "I mean, the guy chocked his girlfriend, exposed himself in front of a stripper, and sexted a FOURTEEN year old, and the public and the superhero community just want us to look the other way and say 'no biggie, good for him, this guy is a hero."  

"Okay, okay," Tony tries to speak up, "I mean obviously, of course, chocking your girlfriend, sexting a teen, and exposing yourself in front of a stripper without her consent is bad." The Horn hosts were impressed by Tony's statement. "Okay, wait, I'm not trying to make a bold stand here," Tony recants, "All I'm saying is...exposing yourself in front of a stripper or any other unsuspecting woman is bad."
The audience reacted positively to this statement, which made Tony think differently, "Oh, okay, yes," Tony nods, "It's bad because...women are human beings too...with real wants and needs and agency all of their own."

"Tony, I have to say, it is amazing to hear a MAN say that for a change," the second host complements. "Well someone needed to take a stand," Tony answers as the audience cheers, "I mean, call me crazy, but it's 2020, people, I think we should all be at that point where we ALL don't chock women or sext teens and the such?" "Stark is totally right," the third host agrees, "DON'T choke women and don't proposition teens." "This society should no longer legitimize abusers by allowing them to get away with their bad behavior and using their superhero antics to excuse said bad behavior," the fourth host adds.

The hosts and Tony stand up as the crowd applauds. "And coming up," the first host announces, "Speaking of battering women we'll show you how to make the perfect low fat cupcakes with proud feminist Tony Stark, aka Iron Man." 


"How is it every time I ask you to do something you end up doing the opposite of what I ask for?!" Maria exclaims once the show went off the air for a commercial break. "What can I say? I cut the wires, it's what I do," Tony shrugs, "Do you think it's possible I've actually been not just a hero, but a feminist hero this whole time and nobody else knew about it?" "Depends," Maria deadpans, "Would any of your past escapades consider you a feminist during your 'hittin it and quitin it' phase?" "Hey, each one of my escapades got what they want as much as I did," Tony lectures, "and I find your attempts to slut-shame highly outdated. We all should have the agency to do what we want without caving into societal pressure." "Tony-" "So there you have it, I AM a feminist," Tony declares, "You're welcome society."

Maria simply shakes her head, "I'm gonna call Firestein." "Alright, you do that," Tony calls out, "I'm just gonna sit here being woke."  

Maria makes the call, "Hey, Will," she calls, "Listen, I know it looks bad right now, but we can still work around this." "Yeah, about that," Firestein says from the other line, "I've been thinking about it, and...I don't want to be part of the Avengers anymore." "What? Why?!" "Well it's like you said," Firestein shrugs, "Being offered to join the team was more than enough. I've been getting offers from other superhero teams, and they don't even worry about all that feminist, cancel culture crap. I mean come on, since I was offered the Avengers gig all i ever hear is entitlement this and male gaze that, I'm just sick of it." "Hey, you signed a contract," Maria scolds, "No matter much time has elapsed it's still legally binding." "Oh please, I was caught participating in a dog fighting ring and still won a Humanity award, you think I can't get out of a contract? Which, once again, I apologize for participating in that dog fighting ring, dogs have feelings too." "If you don't uphold your end of the deal, Firestein, so help me I'll-" "Yeah, yeah, whatever, Sweet Cheeks. Goodbye," Firestein hangs up.

Hill looks at Tony who just got an apron on to participate in the cooking session of the show. Seeing he didn't need any assistance, the acting S.H.I.E.L.D. walks off the set and heads for the one place she probably should've gone to in the first place.

------------Scarlet Magazine----------

Meanwhile, at your desk at Scarlet, you were hard at work writing up your take-down article for Will Firestein. Jane looks over, "You keep typing the rate you do, I won't be surprised to see smoke coming off your fingertips," she comments.
"Well if the people I thought were friends are going to bring on an asshat like Firestein onto their team, then they're in for world of hurt," you say, "also, Stark's repulsed face look has surprisingly opened whole new doors for me to delve into for my article. I knew that stupid mug of his would be good for something." 

Jane received a text from Kat and Sutton, "Looks like his stupid mug might be doing your work for you even further." She has you scoot over so she could pull up the video clip from the Horn.

Right on cue, Maria Hill walks in. "(y/n)!" she calls out. "Oh no," you sigh, "What, forcing us to leave wasn't enough, you gonna sue us for trespassing too?" "No, I have a proposition," Hill states. You and Jane exchange looks, "Go on." 

"You were right, I was wrong," Hill admits, "Let's take that asshat down!"

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