For What?

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Nevaeh's POV

This shit can't be real .. And I was right, it's not real. Lately I've been having dreams and moments where some girl is after me. I closed my door and then finished cleaning.


Nevaeh's POV

Nevaeh: Alright Babe, I'll be back.

Jayda: Bye Ty! (She hugs him really tight and then we head to Jacquees' house)

Nevaeh: so Jayda, what do you think about Michael?

Jayda: I like him mommy. He's so much fun.

Nevaeh: Really? (I smile knowing my daughter likes my lover)

Jayda: why are you smiling mommy ? (She giggled)

Nevaeh: (I laughed because I didn't know she was watching me) oh, nothing baby. Just thinking.

Jayda: mommy?

Nevaeh: yes baby girl?

Jayda: why don't you and daddy live together and you kiss Ty and not daddy?

Nevaeh: (whoa I was not expecting that, but I guess she's getting of age to realize what's going on) because me and daddy are different .

Jayda: do you love him still?

Nevaeh: ........... (My phone rang and I handed it to Jayda and she puts it on speaker)

Jayda: hello? (It was Jacquees but he disguised his voice in a scary tone)

Jacquees: hello? (Jayda laughs so hard, she loves when he do that scary voice)

Jayda: is this my daddy ?

Jacquees: no little girl, it's Mr. Monster

Jayda: uh uhhhh , (she giggled) it's my daddyyyyy!

Jacquees: (he laughs and then talk in his regular voice) where y'all at mama?

Jayda: we're in the car

Jacquees: you coming to me?

Jayda: yes!! Can we have a pillow fight again?

Nevaeh: Rodriquez do not have pillow fights with my baby. She is not a little boy!!

Jacquees: shhhh! You not supposed to tell mommy!

Nevaeh: I can hear you idiot!!!! (He laughs)

Jacquees: you can't keep a secret.

Jayda: yes I can daddy! I Sorry

Jacquees: it's ok. But I'll see you when I get here. I love you

Jayda: love you too daddy. ( they hang up and 10 mins later we pulled up at his house. I grab her bag and we knock on the door and Jacquues opens it)

Jacquees: Jaydaaaaa where are you? (Jacquees said looking around)

Jayda: I'm down here daddy (she said giggling)

Jacquees: I can't see you (he said looking around) you have to give me a hug so I can see you (Jayda ran and gave him a big hug and he plant kisses all over her cheeks while she laughed. I smiled. He's the best father ever. It almost brings tears to my eyes. She's a daddy's girl seriously) she had her bath already?

Jayda: yeah .

Jacquees: alright go put your stuff in your room and put on your pajamas then pick out a movie for us to watch)

Jayda: ok, (she runs to her room)

Jacquees: you doing good?

Nevaeh: yes ! So good. What about you?

Jacquees: the same . It was a long awkward pause)

Nevaeh: well Jayda asked me do I love you today. I wonder why she asked out the blue.

Jacquees: well, do you? (I just stare at him and then he pins me on the wall kissing me so rough but so passionate. Tears spilled out of my eyes still kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then his hands went from my waist to my ass)

Nevaeh: wait, stop . Que, I can't (I said with tears in my eyes. He started sucking on my neck , my weakness. He started nibbling and running his tounge over it) Que please (I said through moans) stop Que (he stopped and then looked at me)

Jacquees: why?

Nevaeh: do you still love me?

Jacquees: no (I started walking away but he grabbed me) I'm in love with you....(my heart dropped at thoes 5 words) DO you love me?

Nevaeh: I -- (Jayda runs back in the living room with us)

Jayda: daddy, princess in the frog!!

Jacquees: ok we can watch it.

Nevaeh: Jayda I'll see you later. I love you (I hug and kiss her)

Jayda: I love you too. Daddy wants a kiss too.

Nevaeh: no he don't

Jayda: daddy tell her!

Jacquees: I want a kiss (Jacquees said with a smirk on his face. Slick ass. I pecked his lips really quick and Jayda laughed so hard. Lol idk what's wrong with her lol)

Nevaeh: alright y'all (I said walking away but Que grabbed me)

Jacquees: Do you? (I stare in his eyes)

Nevaeh: I-I- I have to go (I walked out and drove home in silence)









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