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Shuri's POV

"What, brother? What did you find on that boat!" Shuri asked. T'Challa walked into her lab with a bunch a teenagers, one of which on a stretcher. "You've brought me another broken white boy to fix!  This'll be fun, T'Challa! What happened?"

Her brother didn't appear quite as excited. "He collapsed just before I got there," T'Challa said.

Shuri looked at the broken white boy. He looked kind of familiar. American, probably from California. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Scar on his lip, that kind of looked like it was from a stapler. That would've been funny. Shuri once read a book about a guy who got a scar in that place from trying to eat a stapler as a two year old. Maybe this guy might've been that guys doppelganger, but in real life.

Shuri looked around. Now that she thought about it, everyone there looked familiar. The pretty Native American that had obviously tried not to look pretty that was worriedly looking at the collapsed American. A Chinese that wore two hoodies (was he hot? Surely that must be hot. Wakanda was in a rainforest!). A fidgety, ginger, kind of cute Latino that was obviously very ADHD. An African American that was probably from New Orleans with cinnamon hair and sweet disposition. A pale Italian that wore basically all black (again, a black jacket! How were these people not dieing of heat stroke?). A middle aged man that dressed almost like an American high school gym coach holding a baseball bat (why?). It was weird. These total strangers seemed so familiar, and Shuri had never met them. 

Shuri looked at the American. It appeared he had collapsed from exhaustion or stress. "Has he done anything exhausting or stressful?" Shuri asked the teens and coach.

"Exhausted, check. Stressed, check," the Chinese said.

"He controlled the wind to land the Argo II," the Native American said in a voice of concern.

"He controlled the wi-," Shuri started.

"Shuri, just try to help him. Then they can explain," T'Challa said.

Shuri eyed T'Challa with a death glare. "Sure thing. BTW, I made some new sneekers for you."

"Please don't say BTW. Just say 'by the way,'" T'Challa said, winking at Shuri. 

"Let me say BTW, or I won't teach you what a meme is," Shuri said.

"You don't know what a meme is?" the Latino asked.

"A me-me?" the African American said in a New Orleans accent. Definetley African American.

"I'm not the only one," T'Challa said, grinning at the African American.

"Yeah, but she was recently brought from the dead. She died in the '40's. Of all things to catch up on, memes aren't a terribly high priority. You are in Wakanda. You can connect to the Internet. We know it's possible, since Shuri checks out vines and films stuff that probably are the most popular vines," the Latino said. "But since Hazel is from the '40's, it's fine, because there weren't memes back then, RIGHT NICO?"

"Yeah. No memes. No Internet," the Italian said quietly in the corner. Not very social, Shuri guessed.

Funnily enough, the names Hazel and Nico also sounded familiar. And the Latino knew Shuri's name. T'Challa could've mentioned her name, but something told her he didn't and that the Latino knew her name. Especially since he casually talked about how Wakanda had high tech. Shuri suddenly was getting suspicious. And the whole thing about Hazel coming back to life and being from the '40's was weird. Who was she, Captain America?

The American would be alright in an hour. Totally. His genetic make up was weird. His DNA was only half human. 

"Don't know if ya'll know this, but his DNA says he's only half human. Don't know what his other parent was," Shuri said. 

"That would be...normal," the coach said.

"Yeah, we're all only half human," the Chinese said.

"And half what?" T'Challa asked.

"They're half god," the coach said, "and I'm theoretically half goat. Satyr."

Suddenly it clicked in Shuri's head. "Hold up! Half-god, half-humans, a satyr, an American with a scar from a staple! OMG! Wait, are you guys demigods from Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter? Part of the Seven, except for Nico and Hedge?" Shuri said excitedly.

"Yeah..." Hazel said.

"How did ya know?" Nico asked.

"Wait! If Black Panther is a movie from our world, does that mean we're in a movie here?" the Latino, Leo asked. 

"NOOOO!" Shuri said. "I mean, there were two movies about when Percy Jackson was twelve and thirteen, but they were so BAD. The books were so much better. I love all of them! Lightning Thief, Sea of Monsters, Titan's Curse, Battle of the Labyrinth, Last Olympian, Lost Hero, Son of Neptune, Mark of Athena, House Hades, Blood of Olympus, Sword of Summer, Hammer of Thor, Ship of the Dead, Red Pyramid, Hidden Oracle, and Lost Prophecy!"

"That's a lot of books," Piper, the Native American said. 

"OMG I love you guys so much! Jason is going to be fine, and will probably wake up in like twenty minutes! Ah! So cool!" Shuri said.

"Ey, this is cool!"

"Since when have you known about this series?" T'Challa asked. 

"Since I was twelve. That's a normal age to be reading these books," Shuri said. "First book came out if 2005. That was back when we thought it'd only be one series. Now it's 2018 and there is the PJO series, HOO series, KC series, MCGA series, and the TOA series."

"What do those acronyms stand for?" Frank asked.

"Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Heroes of Olympus. Kane Chronicles. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. Trials of Apollo," Shuri said very quick. 

"Asgard?" Hazel asked.

"Oh, uh, you'll find out later," Shuri said.

"Shuri?" Frank asked.

"It's about something in the future! Don't press me for answers! I am Divergent and cannot be controlled!" Shuri shouted.

"Well, that was a different fandom," Leo said. "Oh, hey, Shuri, we kinda got in this crazy storm and it fried the circuits on the Argo II. I've got some extra Celestial bronze, but I might need some help fixing it." He gave her a puppy eye face. He didn't need the puppy eye face for her help.

"OMG yes! And you can help me teach T'Challa and Hazel what a meme is!" Shuri said excitedly.

"Oh no," Frank said. 

"There's two of them," Nico finished for Frank.

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