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Percy's POV

Percy grabbed Annabeth's hand and held it in his own as they walked across the treacherous terrain of Tartarus. To their left was the fire river that they needed to drink from to stay alive. Across them was the body of the primeval god, Tartarus. Somewhere down here were the Doors of Death, and he and Annabeth needed to find them to save the world and whatnot.

Annabeth gripped his hand tightly. Nothing was spoken. Nothing needed to be. They were there for each other in this hell and nothing could change that.

They walked like that for as long as they could. They collapsed near the river and reached their hands out to cup the fire into their hands. They drank it, the fiery heat of it making them sick. It was terrible, but they needed it.

"You okay?" Percy asked.

"Of course I am, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth answered. "As okay as I can be in Tartarus."

"Y'know, when we get out of here, I'm never going to be able to think of Tartar Sauce the same way."

"I thought you didn't like it?"

"Yeah, I'll hate it even more. I never liked Tartarus in the first place, but I hate it even more now!" Percy joked, trying to keep spirits high, which was hard in this place.

Annabeth grabbed his hand. "C'mon. Let's go." Again, they travelled as long as they could. But this time it got strange.

Percy was holding Annabeth on the shore. Her face was buried in his chest and he had his head leaning against hers. He looked around. "I know that this is Tartarus and all, but it doesn't seem quite right."

Annabeth looked up. "Yeah...why is it darker?"

Percy noticed Annabeth's long blond hair blowing in a breeze. "And where's the wind coming from?"

They looked all around them. Dark wisps were bleeding through the sky and surrounding them. Not knowing what it was and knowing everything is a danger in Tartarus, Percy grabbed Riptide and threw the cap off, summoning the Celestial Bronze weapon that has existed since Hercules stole an apple guarded by a dragon. Annabeth unfortunately had lost her Celestial Bronze dagger in the fall from the surface to Tartarus. Percy held onto her defensively with his left arm and wielded Riptide with his right.

The wisps appeared rapidly, the wind increased. The demigod duo circled around. "Hey, Wise Girl, do you have any idea what this is?" Percy asked.

"I wish I did, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said worriedly. The wind was at such a fast velocity that Percy pocketed Riptide and focused on holding Annabeth. The wind got so fast that only two things were felt: the wind and Annabeth.

And then it all stopped.

The demigods' eyes were shut tight. As they opened their eyes, they quickly shut them again. It was so bright! It also didn't feel so much like Tartarus. When they opened their eyes, they knew why. They weren't in Tartarus any more.

"Where the Hades are we?" Annabeth asked.

Percy looked around. There was a trash as far as the eye could see. A tall tower was in the horizon. "I dunno, but it feels familiar."

Suddenly there was movement behind them. Percy whirled around, Riptide in hand. The movement was caused by a small group of...things. Percy wasn't sure what they were. They were short and wore masks. They kind of had a Star Wars vibe going on.

"Hi?" he said cautiously. "Where are we?"

They obviously didn't understand English. They spoke amongst themselves in some sort of language. "I have no idea what they are," said a confused Annabeth.

The creatures turned forbade the demigods again. One of them pulled a white gun out and fired at Percy and Annabeth. The demigods reacted too quickly for the firer. They dodged and fought the creatures. Annabeth found a dagger in the trash surrounding them and Percy used Riptide.

But Tartarus had taken a toll on the couple. They ran out of breath and were gasping for air. In that moment, they couldn't dodge. Luckily for them, the fun did not emit a bullet. Rather, it caught the two of them in an electrified net.

They fell on top of each other and winced from the shock. It was cramped. The net was meant for one person, but it could work with two. One of the creatures grabbed one end of the net and began to drag the demigods. Percy had dropped Riptide a few minutes before, so he couldn't break him and Annabeth out.

Then the whirring of a space ship was heard overhead. The demigods looked up in surprise. A ship landed a few yards away from them. A woman with dark brown hair walked out onto the railing. She gulped the last of a bottle of beer and chucked it on the ground. As she walked doan to the ground, she fell off of the ramp. It was obvious she was drunk.

"Stay away from those two!" she shouted. The creatures didn't listen. What could a drunk do to stop them? A lot actually.

The woman raised her arms and guns on her ship followed her motions. Guns destroyed everything but herself, Percy, and Annabeth.

"Oh, crap!" Percy said. He threw the net off and helped Annabeth to her feet. "Uh, thank you that. We'll be leaving now. "

Suddenly, she was holding Annabeth and had a knife at her throat. "No, you're not."

Percy said some choice cuss words under his breath in Greek. He knew what was going on. This woman was Valkyrie from Thor: Ragnorak. HOLY CRAP!

Percy punched Valkyrie in the face. She dropped one of her knives, but other than that was unaffected. She smiled and grabbed Riptide. "Nice sword," she said. She fought the demigods momentarily with the Celestial Bronze sword. Though Percy and Annabeth were stellar warriors, Valkyrie is an immortal, Asgardian warrior from Odin's army. She fought Hela, the goddess of death. After Hela destroyed the Valkyrie Army, she became the best at her job now. Percy and Annabeth couldn't keep up with her. And Valkyrie was able to take them in.

Sorry that it's semi short. Please vote and comment! Love y'all!

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