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Shuri's POV

"If we put a vibranium replacement there...," Shuri suggested.

"Or, we could make a Vibranium-Celestial-Bronze alloy for these parts," Leo added.

"Yes! We can take the old Celestial Bronze and melt it down and combine it with some vibranium!"

"Lucky for you, I'm the son of the god of forges! Where's the Wakanda anvil?"

Shuri and Leo were working together to fix the Argo II. They were having a lot of fun, mixing Wakandan and demigod technology. Leo always had admired Wakanda, and Shuri loved the Greeks. They spent hours in the lab redesigning the Argo II.

"I don't think we have an anvil, though if you want I can make one. The metal the anvil is made of is supposed to be stronger than the metal your using to make something with, right? 'Cause if not, you'll be pounding the anvil into itself. You want a vibranium anvil if you still are into the whole anvil thing?" Shuri said.

"I mean, if you have spare vibranium-"

"Leo, we haven't even scratched the surface yet if our vibranium mining," Shuri said, cutting Leo off.

Leo cocked his head. "Fair point. Two anvils? I need a back up anvil 'cause, y'know, Demigod Crap™," Leo negotiated, adding the ™ at the end of his sentence.

Shuri chuckled. "I got ya. I'll get ya two vibranium anvils before you guys leave."

"Speaking of which, how the heckin' are we gonna get back to our universe?" Leo asked.

"I've been tracking the flow of interdimensional energy on Earth. That's energy that is carried from one place to another at speeds only possible through interdimensional travel. There's a surprising large amount in New York, Khatmandu, London, and Hong Kong. Idk why though. But I watched the energy between those four cities and might be able to replicate it," Shuri answered.

"Wait! New York, Khatmandu, London, and Hong Kong?" Leo asked.

"Yeah. Do ya know about it?"

"I'm guessing it has to do with Strange, but I probably shouldn't tell you about it, should I?" Leo answered.

"Yeah, we probably shouldn't talk about the future of our universes. If I told you that Piper dies (which she doesn't), you'd make different choices, and we don't know what that will do," Shuri agreed.

"Yeah, I'm assuming you've seen a movie about time travel. It's not good," Leo added. "This isn't time travel, but it has the same affect."

"Let's make a pact: I am not allowed to tell you about anything you don't know about your universe whether it be in the past, present, or future, and vice versa," Shuri suggested.

"Deal, but can we vaguely say stuff?" Leo added.

"Yeah...FYI things are gonna get crazy," Shuri answered.

Leo shrugged. "What's new?"

"No really, it'll be insane!"

Leo threw his head back and laughed. "Nothing compared to your universe, I'm sure!"

"Oh really?"

Leo suddenly got serious. "Yeah. I've been waiting ten years for a movies that came out recently. Ten years."

"Well, if something insane happens, I'll ask you if it's the right one or if I have to wait ten years," Shuri responded jokingly.

"It's probably getting pretty close...don't die." Realizing what he said, Leo quickly added, "Just saying that as a warning, like, be careful. I'm not saying if you die or not. I'm not saying anyone dies."

"Oh, I'm sure someone will die. First time Wakanda does anything, my baba dies," Shuri pointed out. "Everyone has a loss in our worlds."

"Well said. What were we talking about before we were talking about continuity?" Leo questioned.

"Ah. So you think you can get us back to Italy? Preferably Bologna?"

"Oh yeah. Give me an hour. You work on the Argo II, I'll work on the portal. "


Leo's POV

Leo walked across the new and improved Argo II. The vibranium and Celestial Bronze worked together perfectly. It served to prove something the Greeks and the Romans and the gods could learn: just because it's different doesn't mean it can't get together. Wakandans T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, and Nakia had worked with the Romans Jason, Frank, and Hazel as well as the Greeks Piper, Nico, and Leo, plus the random satyr. People should just get along.

While Leo readied the Argo II, Shuri got the portal thing ready. Leo wasn't sure how it worked. He faith in Shuri, but this feat would be unparalleled.

The rest of the Argo II crew climbed aboard. T'Challa and Shuri joined us.

"I wish you luck in your pursuit to stop this Gaea you told me about," T'Challa said. Then he pulled a Galadriel and talked to each of us individually. "Jason, I'm told you were a bridge between the Greeks and Romans?"

"Yeah, uh, I ended up at Camp Half-Blood and Percy ended up at Camp Jupiter," Jason answered.

"Keep it up. Diplomacy could save all of you." T'Challa turned to Piper. "Piper, love is a powerful emotion. Use it for good and it will change your world."

"Um...okay," Piper replied.

"Frank, you are the son of the war god. But don't resolve everything with contention. Negotiate," T'Challa told Frank.

"Will do."

"Hazel, you aren't from this time, but you're here for a reason. The people of your world need you now, remember that."


"Coach, watch over them. They're only kids. They're bound to do something stupid."

"Already do, cupcake."

"Nico, you promised Percy you'd lead them. When you find Percy, your quest won't be over. This is your fight as much as it is theirs." Nico nodded.

"Leo, you hyperactive demigod, so what you have to do, and don't be afraid."

"Okay, Mr Mentor Character, we know who'll die in the next movie you're in! JK you won't die...right?" Shuri said, looking to me.

"Get up. This is no place to die." *poof* T'Challa will be cornflaked away in Infinity War. Oh, crap!

"Hey, I can't talk bout that, remember?" Leo said.

"Yeah, you're dead, brother," Shuri said jokingly. That'll work out great for her.

The Wakandans left the Argo II and Leo started it up, Wii controller in hand. Shuri started the portal thing. Leo carefully steered the ship through the portal. It was bright blue and blinded him momentarily. Once Leo could see, he saw the town below them. He ran to the navigation system.

"Luck's on our side for once. We're in Bologna!"


Finally! Part I is done! Glory hallelujah! The next parts will be quite shorter. How did you like this. I honestly like the next part more, so, yeah.... As a preview:

Part II: Goldblum Gladiator Planet
Warnings: Percabeth fluff, Grandmaster crap, and perishable rocks! And Korg gets to help out in a revolution!

Love ya, vote and comment!


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