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First Off:

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated since April, and before that February! I promise, I'll get 2+ chapters in real soon! I'm sorry that this fic has been neglected!

Why Haven't I Been Updating?:

There are four main reasons.

1. I've been busy with school lately. It's summer break, but I have summer driver's ed until July.

2. I have been trying to add more chapters to my newer fics, and I've made a bunch of fics this year. Yeah, I've been on Wattpad a year now. Dang.

3. I don't know how to phrase this, but PJO is not as big of a deal to me anymore. I love Rick's books still, but I started this fic because of Infinity War denial and because I had just finished Blood of Olympus and was obsessed. Now that obsession has subsided in favor of my post Infinity War and Endgame depression, I've focused more on Marvel fics. Plus, I've dived into the Arrowverse, so I have two fics for that too. I love PJO, and it will always have a special place in my heart. And I'm still a proud member of the fandom. But with my love for Marvel building and problems I've had in the PJO fandom (I've never felt like I fit in, and actually feel real lonely when I end up in a PJO thing), I've backed off a bit in favor for the superhero genre. It happens. It happened with Star Wars too (the fandom is in flames, no one can get along). I love it, but I don't have enough motivation for it a lot of the time. I'll always be there for a dam reference, but I've been happier since I've been backing off from it. I'm sorry to say that. I still love Rick and all he's done, and by some crazy chance he's reading this, I'm so sorry.

4. It doesn't feel like it'll end, which scares. Black Panther just happened, and I have so much stories to do before Infinity War (remember, BP is in 2016 with CACW, not in 2018. There's a lot of time for stuff). I know it makes no sense, but I procrastinate when it feels overwhelming because I just can't think about it. I tried splitting it up into parts to help it, but it's still hard for me to even bring myself to the edit page sometimes. I have IW outlined, and I will for sure go into Endgame. But should I stop? Marvel's gonna be making these movies til the sun burns out of the sky, and I don't even know what Rick has plans for!

What Can You Expect?:

I'll be updating soon. The next part will involve Reyna and Sif, so go rewatch Thor and Thor: The Dark World so you don't show up like, "This is great. Who be this Lady Sif?" I'm sorry. TDW is meh. But Loki is in the movie so that's all I need to convince myself to watch it!

Also, fun fact, eventually Marvel!Loki and Marvel!Thor will meet Rick!Loki and Rick!Thor. I don't have too much planned (my outline says where and who, but not all of the what is decided yet), but it'll be great. Plus, Valkyrie and Samira will be there.


Nope. I'll update when I can.

This Fic At Danger of Being Discontinued?:

Not until the Thors and Lokis meet because thinking of it gives me life.

On a more serious note, I really hope not. I write fanfiction for many reasons. I write it because I love these characters. I write it because, in this case, I love characters from different universes interacting. I write it because I think fanfics and fanarts and fan theories are some of the best ways to show appreciation for the creator, as it shows how much I truly care about them. I write fanfic because these characters have changed me as a person. But mainly, I do it for practice.

I want to be an author. I'm looking for ways I can improve myself. I need help on that part finding resources. But on Wattpad, and Ao3, and Quotev, and Fanfiction.net, I get feedback. People tell me if they like my fic. That's why I always ask for critical feedback. I know this fic is good, it has so many votes. But I want to know what's wrong with it. It's a first draft, there has to be problems. I want to know so I can improve.

Despite everyone always telling me I'm an amazing author, I'm an amateur. I'd never be able to publish. And I have ideas for books that I'm so proud of, that, if written right, could be like Animal Farm and change the world. But right now, I'm not good enough. Nowhere close. I write fanfics because no one cares all that much if I have spelling errors, but cares about the plot. I am getting free help. And maybe someday, I'll be good enough to publish my dystopian novel that I feel so passionate about.

So I will always write here. I need practice and help, and this and my other fics are where I get it. It won't end until after Endgame at least.

Thank You:


237 votes.

75 total comments.

This is my first decent fanfic, and even then I don't like a lot of it. I never could've guessed I'd get over 2,000 views, over 200 votes, and over 70 comments. I'm amazed anyone bothered to read any of it.

Thank you so much! You're always showing support, whether it's just a view, if you vote, or if you comment. If I didn't get support, I'd probably give up on writing. I only just came up with the dystopian idea I'm passionate about. Oh, gosh, I'm getting real emotional on my side of the screen. Without you guys, I'd give up. Not just on writing.

There's a large chance I wouldn't still be in fandoms. I have been in fandoms for most of my life, but I never felt like I belonged anywhere. You've given me that feeling of belonging.

As you saw through the A/Ns, life's been hard on me lately. I've never been truly suicidal. I've had fleeting thoughts that maybe life wasn't worth it, and I sleep with a pocket knife next to me. But it's not consistent, don't worry about it. And I haven't felt it in a while. I've never self harmed, even though I easily could. Good thing I'm scared of blood. And I want to live. Even if it's just the next Marvel movie keeping me here, I won't commit suicide. But that's the way I am now. The me typing this has changed since I got Wattpad and immediately began working on this fic. And I'm glad to say Wattpad has changed me a lot. Like I said, I feel like I belong. I don't have that feeling many places. Here and band. That's really it. And it wasn't until recently that I felt belonging in band. And in a year's time, many things can happen. Who knows? There's a chance, however small it is, that you have saved a life. And even if I hadn't actually did it or attempted it, my emotional stability would be much worse than it is, and I could be self harming or suicidal. Gosh, I don't know why I'm telling you all of this. I have mentioned some of it to two of my friends, but not bluntly like I just told y'all.

Just to make things clear, I've been doing better lately with anxiety/depression. I'm certainly not suicidal right now. Last time I got one of my suicidal urges was a couple months ago, and only once have I had it real bad. No, I don't self harm, blood is scary, and I don't have an easy method to do it any other way. Don't go calling the suicide hotline on me, it's not needed.

Thank you all so much for everything. I end every A/N with a heart. Sometimes, it feels as if the words "I love you," are thrown around out of routine. Like it doesn't really matter. It grows old and meaningless. I don't say love unless I mean it. I seriously love you all so much. If you ever need to talk, I'm a dm away. Y'all know I've been through crap. I needed help then, I can be a vent if needed. Ive gotten so much support. Thank you.

I love you all.

I mean it :)

❤ Michelle

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