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Jason's POV

Jason woke up in twenty minutes when one of M'Baku's people came to talk to Leo. They weren't the quietest of people. Jason really wanted to go back to sleep. Sleep is good, and as every other teenager, he was badly sleep deprived. But being a demigod who is constantly fighting some monster or travelling to other universes, sleep was even more important. To Jason, it made Elysium, the best place in the Underworld for dead people, look rather unexciting.

Jason repositioned himself on the floor. He saw the Wakandan look at the demigods in a weird way. Most people probably didn't choose to sleep here. But the crew of the Argo II was a bunch of crazy teenagers who fight to save the world every Thursday, so they weren't exactly the most awake people on the planet, Marvel or Jason's own world. If Jason knew this world as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, what did the people of the MCU call his world? Maybe it was the Heroes of Olympus or whatever Shuri called the series of books before. But she also talked about Asgard and the Kane Chronicles so Jason had no idea. All he knew was that if besides the Greek/Roman gods, there were Norse gods, like Thor, Loki, and Hela, that'd be pretty sick, especially if they were Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, and Cate Blanchett.

After finding a semi-comfortable spot, Jason closed his eyes again and began to drift into a newfound slumber. Unconsciously though, he was listening to what Leo was saying. Wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but it's hard not to when they're the only sounds that he could here.

"Mr. Valdez, I think I found something that might interest you," the Wakandan said.

"Just call me Leo, and shoot."

"What do you mean, 'shoot?'"

"It means go ahead, tell me," Leo explained with a sigh. Not every Wakandan could be Shuri.

"Well, you wanted to know about any unparalleled storms in the Wakandan boundaries?"

"Yeah, you got something?"

"Well, Leo, the craziest storm in known Wakandan history, which is a long history, wasn't nearly as hectic as the one you described. At least that I know of. The oldest person here is trying to remember, but he is ninety-one-"

"So he might have a hard time remembering anything."


Leo sighed. "Oh well. I guess Shuri needs to figure a way out of this universe other than shifty meteorological events."

"Sorry about this."

"Nah, no problem! Tell M'Baku bye and give him my thanks, and we'll be leaving now, ISN'T THAT RIGHT!" At the last part of his sentence, Jason, Piper, and Nico shot up. With quick farewells, they were on their way back to the palace.

Shuri's POV

Shuri walked back in her lab with Frank, Hazel, T'Challa, Nakia, and Okoye.

"Well, everyone, my plan didn't work!" she shouted to greet the demigods. When she finally made the turn into her lab, there were only two people. Gleeson Hedge was there, as well as Everett Ross from the CIA. No demigods in sight.

"Uh, Coach? Where's everyone else?" Hazel asked.

"Leo was going to try to do something fatally stupid, Jason, Piper, and Nico were going to try to stop them, and they locked us in here," Hedge explained quickly.

"Yeah well, Leo is a liar, so we never had to stop him from doing that specific stupid thing!" Nico said as he walked in, the rest of the demigods trailing behind him.

"What did you do?" T'Challa and Frank asked in unison. Leo, Jason, Piper, and Nico proceeded to explain what Leo claimed he was going to do, what he actually did, and the results thereof. Everyone looked at Leo like he was crazy (I mean, he kind of is), but Hazel shrugged it off. This was typical of him.

"So yeah, both of our problems went back to square one, y'all!" Jason said in mock cheerfulness.

"What do the heart shaped herbs look like?" Piper suddenly asks.

"They're a light purple, kind of a lavender, and they grow on a short green plant, and the bloom is shaped like a heart," Shuri explained.

"I thought I saw something like that at M'Baku's place," Piper added.

The Wakandans and Ross looked at each other. "I should've known," Okoye said.

"Son of a-"

M'Baku's POV

M'Baku looked up to find King T'Challa was there to pay him a visit.

"T'Challa! How are you doing?" M'Baku shouted.

"Very well, M'Baku. I have an issue to speak to you with."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Erik Killmonger destroyed all of the heart shaped herbs, but we were looking for wild ones. I have a feeling I shouldn't be looking in the rain forest for wild ones. I should be looking for domestic ones."

"T'Challa, listen to me. You have been taking the hard route. If you are looking for something, ask me, because I probably have it or I know where to get it."

"So, do you know about the heart shaped herbs?"

"Follow me, I've been waiting to give you some."

Shuri's POV

"Okay, brother, time for you to learn what a meme is," Shuri said with the biggest smile ever. "Then we'll teach you about vines."

"Okay, I'm ready," T'Challa said.

"Alright, a meme is basically a joke that is used a caption on a picture that is made viral online," Leo defined. "But you can't use any joke for a meme. You need a meme worthy joke and a meme worthy picture."


"So, here is an example of a meme," Shuri said, handing T'Challa a tablet.

"Okay?" T'Challa said in confusion.

"And there are memes from movies," Leo added.

"I don't like sand. It's rough...and course...and it gets everywhere," Shuri quoted in full seriousness.

And thus T'Challa learned about memes and vines.

Two Worlds, One Goal /Riordanverse & MCU Crossover/ DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now