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Annabeth's POV

Annabeth slowly woke up. She did through her memory to remember what the crap happened. Her and Percy were in Tartarus...there was a tornado or something...they were attacked by humanoid things...a woman stopped the humanoids...the woman attacked her and Percy...her and Percy woke up in a glass prison in the woman's ship...and now this.

Annabeth looked in front of her. She was in some sort of intense 3D presentation or something. She was sitting in a large metal chair fitted to her body size. Her arms were restrained to the arms of the chair by metal bands. She tried to pull her arms free, but it was all in vain.

Annabeth swung her head to her right, examining the area. It was a perfect display of the cosmos, and the only reason Annabeth knew it was a 3D presentation was because how could she be sitting in a chair in the middle of space wearing nothing but torn jeans and her ripped Camp Half-Blood shirt?

After a detailed examination of her right side, she spun to face the left. How did she not notice it before?

Percy was right next to her, still unconscious, in a chair identical to here other than size. Percy started to stir.

"Percy! Wake up!" Annabeth whisper yelled.

"What is it, Mom?" Percy asked, still unaware of when and where he was.

"Percy! Ragnorak!" She mentioned the title of the movie they were kinda in, hoping to jog his memory and wake him up faster.

"I'm a Greek demigod, not Norse," he said sluggishly. This wasn't working.

"Oh my gods, Percy! It's Annabeth and we're in trouble!"

That made Percy jerk up. He looked around our environment and found me in his vision. "Annabeth! Gods, are you alright?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I guess, Seaweed Brain. Do you remember anything that happened?"

Percy momentarily closed his eyes in thought and quickly opened them. "Yeah. Holy crap, this is crazy and no one will ever believe it. We're in the MCU and we fought Valkyrie! Oh my gods this is awesome! Is the Hulk here? He must be. And Korg's probably here too! Oh my gods-"

"Quit fanboying about your fandom right now, Percy. We need a plan!"

Percy shut up and nodded. "Um, you recognize this part of Ragnorak, right?"

"This is like before Thor meets the Grandmaster, right?"

Before Percy could answer, the answer came as the presentation started. "Fear not, for you are found. You are home and there is no going back. No one leaves this place." a soothing voice said. Annabeth and Percy looked at each other in worry.

"But what is this place? The answer is Sakaar. Surrounded by cosmic gateways, Sakaar lives on the edge of known and unknown." The presentation is showing different things about Sakaar. "It is the collection point for all lost and unloved things. Like you."

"Thanks a lot," Percy mumbled.

"But here on Sakaar, you are significant. You are valuable. Here, you are loved. And no one loves you more than the Grandmaster. He is the original. The first lost, and the first found. The creator of Sakaar and the father of the Contest of Champions. Where once you were nothing, now you are something. You are property of the Grandmaster. Congratulations! You will meet the Grandmaster in five seconds."

"Okay, don't be Thor! Don't scream, don't scream!" Percy shouted. The tunnel was growing chaotic. It was combining confusing pictures of the Grandmaster, his Contest of Champions, the gateways, etc.

"Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself. You are now meeting the Grandmaster."

The tunnel grew even more chaotic. Annabeth couldn't take it all in, so she squeezed her eyes shut, until it stopped.

She and Percy were in a new setting. And guess who was there?

The Grandmaster and his guard were right in front of them. Annabeth glanced at Percy in fear. She be could see where this was going.

After a few minutes of staring at them, the Grandmaster commented on them. "I love them. I love it when ya come by, 142. You bring the best stuff, right Topaz?"

"The booze hag brings stuff," Topaz said.

"Hey, Topaz! I'm sorry, 142. Topaz doesn't know what she's saying," Grandmaster said. Topaz rolled her eyes when Grandmaster couldn't see. "She brought my precious beloved champion!"

Grandmaster continued to examine the demigods. "I needa get closer for this. Wow! Wow! I like it, though they're young. How old are you kids?"

"Sixteen," Annabeth said bitterly.

"Young enough to get fans, not so young people don't like it. Perfect!" Grandmaster determined. "Pay this woman," he told Topaz.

"Six million," Scrapper 142 said.

"In your dreams," Topaz said.

"Transfer the units already!" Grandmaster ordered. Topaz reluctantly made the currency transfer. Once she got the money, Scrapper 142 left.

"Hold up, we're no one's property! You can't buy us!" Percy said.

"Weren't you listening to the presentation?" he asked. "The two of you are now my property. Where are my manners? Let me introduce myself. I'm Grandmaster, I'm the guy in charge of this thing called the Contest of Champions, and you two are the newest members of the cast!"

"Not happening! We're not doing crap for anyone. We've kinda got a planet to save," Percy said angrily. He was no longer fanboying over Jeff Goldblum.

"Hmm, I should come up with like an obedience disc or something. Remember that for me, Topaz! Now, where was I? Oh, yes! You don't really have a choice in this. Anyways, I want to learn more about you. What do you call yourselves?"

"Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena."

"Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon."

"Should I know who Athena and Poseidon are?" Grandmaster asked.

"I mean, they are gods. Athena, goddess of wisdom and war. Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes," Annabeth replied with no small amount of sass.

"Fair enough, Daughter of Athena. Goddess of war, that'll make you a good contender. "

"As we said, we gotta go save our planet from destruction, so let us go, please and thank you," Percy said.

"Well, not a lotta people know about Athena and Poseidon, so we need new names. Son of Sea and Daughter of War? That's good, right Topaz? " Grandmaster said, ignoring Percy.

"Right Grandmaster," Topaz said.

"By the way, if you can defeat my champion, you warn your freedom," Grandmaster added.

"Point me in the direction of whose butt I need to kick, but first, I propose a deal. If I win, Annabeth is free too. If Annabeth wins, I'm free too," Percy said.

Good thinking! Annabeth thought. Sometimes, Seaweed Brain surprised her.

"You two an inseparable couple? If you defeat my champion, I will allow that," Grandmaster agreed. "Off you kids go!"

A few guards came and dragged the demigods to the prison.

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