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Reyna's POV

"There isn't any way to find a Skrull?" Reyna asked.

"There is, but it isn't always reliable, and I've never done it myself, only watched," Sif answered.

"Okay, how do we do it?"

"Skrulls gain recent memories of the people they impersonate. Only recent memories. They wouldn't remember something from years ago."

"So if there was me and a Skrull in a room and you had to find out who the real me was, you would ask me about my sister, who I haven't seen in years, or something along those lines?"

"Yes, though it would have to be a specific question. I can't ask if you have a sister or what her name is, that is too general. I'd ask about why you haven't seen her for years," Sif clarified.

"So very personal questions. Sounds fun." Reyna sighed. "What now?"

Sif thought for a moment. "The people of Knowhere are very cautious of outsiders, and the outsiders, other than us, are mostly on the run from the authorities of their planets, and wouldn't want to meet an Asgardian, in case we helped their home worlds find them. The Collector, on the other hand, is not wary of outsiders, and welcomes them. As for Asgardians, we have given him the Reality Stone. I was one of the ones to deliver the Stone to him, and he may recognize me. Typically, outsiders are summoned to him, but he may make an exception with us, given the circumstances."

"So are we just going to walk in there?" Reyna asked for clarification, pointing to the Collector's mansion. Sif nodded. "Alright, let's go."


Tanaleer's POV

"Yes, Carina, what is it?" Tanaleer asked his servant as she walked in.

"There are two women who are seeking private counsel with you. One of them is Lady Sif of Asgard," Carina informed.

What is she doing here? "When is the next appointment today?"

"There are no more today. The tavern keeper says Loufe was killed this morning, and the relic will be brought over shortly, since none have laid claim to it."

"Then let the Asgardians in." Of course, Asgard is a world of many treasures, and many opportunities of business. Though Tanaleer cannot believe Odin would give up an Infinity Stone, and seek no payment. The reason given to Tanaleer was that it would be dangerous to keep two Infinity Stones on Asgard. Tanaleer thought that having two Stones was the opposite of dangerous. With space and reality in his grasp, Odin could wipe out any threat to Asgard. But perhaps Odin saw something Tanaleer did not.

A few minutes later, Carina led Lady Sif and another woman, a very young one, in and introduced himself to them. "My Ladies, whatever could I do for you?"

"Odin has learned of a plot to steal the Reality Stone from you. Someone very dangerous wants to use it," Sif said. Asgardians, no time for pleasantries for them. "He sent Reyna and I to investigate. I apologize for not coming to you immediately. We didn't want anyone to know of our presence." Sif waited for Tanaleer to nod in forgiveness.

"Last night, a band of thieves tried to breach your security. Fortunately, Sif and I were there to stop them. One of them told us that a criminal Skrull wishes to steal the Stone in order to gain power in the criminal underground," the young woman, Reyna, continued. "While we were able to prevent one attack, a Skrull would be much more difficult to detect."

They are right. This Skrull could disguise themself as one of my suppliers to get in. "Thank you for this information. Send Odin my regards."

''Odin did not only send us with his warning. He sent us to protect the Stone until the Skrull is dead or captured," Sif responded.

"Very well. What suggestions do you have?"

"Do not let anyone in until this issue is solved. All of us will stay here. The Skrull will come, eventually. We just have to wait."

Two Worlds, One Goal /Riordanverse & MCU Crossover/ DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now