004 | Family Relations

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Connor drove to allow Hank to sober up some more before meeting his goddaughter after 3 years. Hank kept blabbering nonsense about whether he'd be mad at her or glad that she's alive. Connor being the mediator, reassured the lieutenant that encounter would go fine. The hospital Erika was staying at was on the far side, and was across town. The commute took 20 minutes and Connor was thinking during those minutes. He reevaluated every case thus far, but non involved deviant experiments or human upgrades with said deviant parts. He went over the case prior to yesterday's, the one with the two androids at the Eden club. He didn't shoot, but why? His software ran test after test to understand, but no result was able to explain why. Lost in thought, Connor wasn't aware that they have arrived at the hospital. Hank was the first to exit the vehicle with Connor soon following after.

 Hank was the first to exit the vehicle with Connor soon following after

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The two detectives entered the healthcare establishment and headed for the front desk

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The two detectives entered the healthcare establishment and headed for the front desk. The medical android was busy typing and checking medical files. She did this for a few more files before giving her attention to Hank.

"Good afternoon sir, what can I help you with?", the android asked as she typed away.

"Good afternoon sir, what can I help you with?", the android asked as she typed away

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Partially Human | Detroit Become Human - ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now