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The days that followed after the events at the Eden Club were peaceful, to say the least

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The days that followed after the events at the Eden Club were peaceful, to say the least. Erika resumed working at the cafe and even though she's been the head barista, it took her moments to gets used the ropes again. On her first day back she had to step out for she kept cursing at herself for not making the perfect rosetta--but according to the cafe staff, each one was gorgeously poured. Although these nerves would wash over as for the past few days at exactly 7:30 am, Connor and Hank would come in. The lieutenant would order a drink while Erika would chat with Connor. The staff would giggle and tease her moments before the two arrived. Erika shrugged off their phrases as she would get caught up on how the investigation been progressing.

"So how are things?", Erika asked both detectives. Hank was too preoccupied with his cup of coffee to answer so he waved at Connor to reply for the both of them.

 Hank was too preoccupied with his cup of coffee to answer so he waved at Connor to reply for the both of them

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