039 | Separation

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The sky darkened slightly as the faded blue tint became a warmer tone. As the car drove up back to a familiar area, the buildings became more modern and regal looking. The three had just been in this part of Detroit not that far back and to be in the exact same area was suspicious. Connor was confused at this predicament as it made no sense to him, it scrambled his codes and caused his thought processing components to be faulty. He voiced his speculation to the other two occupants in the car.

"Of all places, he lures us to the place we just visited approximately a day ago", Connor narrowed his eyes as there was a connection, could Ms. Satchell be more than she said she was?

"It is odd, but it's a place that we'd least check", Hank said as they neared the location. The vehicle was placed into park as it stood adjacent from a business type building. Hank was the first to leave the vehicle and was soon followed by Connor and Erika. As the three made their way across the street to the building a familiar face took them by surprise as she exited the building with another woman.

 As the three made their way across the street to the building a familiar face took them by surprise as she exited the building with another woman

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"Ms. Satchell it is nice to see you again", Connor approached the woman as he scanned her to confirm it was indeed the CEO of Eversen. The woman that exited with her was avoiding interaction with the group, but her presence seemed to be of importance.

"Detectives, it's nice to see you three again", Reina's sly eyes squinted at their presence at this location as it was not known by many--only a few trusted personnel are aware of its location.

"May I ask why are you here?", the CEO of Eversen questioned the three as she was suspicious of them while Connor was the same to her.

"We've received information that a suspect has been seen in the area", Connor answered for the group as Hank was lagging in replies due to a small amount of alcohol in his system.

"Here? Why?", the woman came off as clueless and concerned," this is just the Eversen outreach center"

"I see, we'll be taking a look around the area to be sure", Connor commented in a professional manner," if that is alright with you Ms. Satchell"

"I don't mind at all, you can take a look inside as well, anything to aid you in your search detectives", she gave them a warm smile, but the facade was only bought by the lieutenant and Erika she Connor saw through her--she was hiding something.

Connor kept looking at the other woman as she was an unknown person to the group except the android ran an identity scan to be safe. Her eye shape and facial features made her of Asian descent, but subtle American attributes were barely noticeable.

 Her eye shape and facial features made her of Asian descent, but subtle American attributes were barely noticeable

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Partially Human | Detroit Become Human - ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now