017 | Warmth

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Erika turned the keys as she opened the side door adjacent to the cafe's entrance. Connor looked up and analyzed the shop's name.

 Connor looked up and analyzed the shop's name

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Sunrise Coffee and Eatery

He smiled at the name as it embodied Erika to the finest detail

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He smiled at the name as it embodied Erika to the finest detail.

"Connor, don't just stand there", Hank called his partner as he held the door open. Connor turned and nodded as he walked over to the door in a couple short strides. The lieutenant held the door until Connor arrived and headed down a hallway to a small lobby. The interior was slightly modern and reflected the clean concrete amongst the lower level walls. Numerous doors were in the space as well the upper level and Connor wondered which door they'll enter. Erika headed up the only set of stairs to a landing where her apartment was located. Hank soon followed with a confused Connor as he attempted to calculate how the establishment was structured.

"Home sweet home", Erika smiled as her keys jingled as she flipped through to located her apartment keys. A whimper heard behind the door and was soon followed by the sound of an object scratching the wooden door.

Once the door moved forward slightly a mostly white muzzle peeped through and opened the up the door fully. A furry creature jumped at Erika and began slobbering kisses all over her face. In the midst, if the surprise attack, Connor moved slightly in a panic that the animal would pose harm to the woman, but was stopped as he saw mechanical arm attacked where a front leg should be. His body became less tense and watched as the creature continued to tackle its owner.

"Ah, Rizzo, get off her, it's like you haven't seen her in three years", Hank hinted a small joke.

"Ha ha--very funny Hank", Erika laughed in a dry fashion as she tried to stand up, but failed since the weight of the animal became heavier than she last remembered.

Connor bent down to assist her--just when he placed a hand on her back Rizzo proceeded to pounce at the android. Taken back the action Connor instinctively put up a hand and stared at the animal.

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