018 | Cold Trail

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The duo of detectives entered the DPD and Connor stopped in his tracks as his LED flickered yellow.

"Hank, I just got a report on another deviant", he turned to his partner.

"Already? They keep popping up like goddamm daisies", he said as he turned on his heels and walked back to his car. Connor followed and he entered the coordinates.

"The report consists of neighbors complaining about a commotion originating from a house nearby", Connor ran an information reel for the lieutenant," they have also noticed an influx of visitors to the residence that never seems to leave"

Hank nodded his head and continued to drive. The navigator brought them to the edge of Detroit, opposite of the fishing docks. It was the landfill district that contained mostly garbage created by humans and a low-status neighborhood. A majority of the houses were rundown and boarded up due to the lack of maintenance. The house in the report was at the end of a culdesac near some sewage drains that gave off an unpleasant odor.

"Damn, this place reeks", Hank made his way to the front porch of the house--he took careful strides as the house seemed that it would collapse at any given moment," much worse than the last case"

Connor nodded in agreement. Androids cannot smell but are capable of sampling the presence of a gas then determine the toxicity level and how repulsive the odor is to a human's sense of smell.

 Androids cannot smell but are capable of sampling the presence of a gas then determine the toxicity level and how repulsive the odor is to a human's sense of smell

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"DPD!! Is anyone home", Connor knocked on the door, then repeated his statement--nothing. Movements beyond the door were heard and Hank stepped in front of Connor and cocked his gun. He brought the weapon to a point and slowly checked the door to see if it was unlocked. To his astonishment the door gave way at the minimal effort he gave to open the slab of wood. The two partners entered the building with caution. Furniture covered with sheets scattered amongst the open area along with dust psrticoes collecting on every surface. The place was abandoned.

"No one lives here, it looks like it hasn't been cleaned for over a century", Hank wafted the dust away from his face

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"No one lives here, it looks like it hasn't been cleaned for over a century", Hank wafted the dust away from his face. Connor scanned the room and noticed that there was indeed no one living on the premises, although androids are not alive--deviants just simulate the feeling of being alive. He noticed a broken frame of an open door frame and scanned the frayed wood.

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