009 | Imperfections

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On their drive to the coroner's office the sky turned gray and it began to pour. The rain splattered itself on the windshield of Hank's car as they drove. The mood in the air became tense as they neared their location. Hank kept mumbling about things and Connor's LED blinked yellow at this behavior, taking note of a question to ask Hank at a later time.

 Hank kept mumbling about things and Connor's LED blinked yellow at this behavior, taking note of a question to ask Hank at a later time

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Upon arriving the building appeared to be depressed with all of the bodies of death occupying it's innards. A roar of thunder rumbled through the air as the two exited the vehicle and made their way to the entrance. The front door was even darker than the exterior, being of dark mahogany it gave off an eerie feel.

"It's a fucking haunted house", Hank honestly stated," -never liked going here"

"You've been at this establishment before Hank?", Connor questioned

"Well yeah, being a detective you need to review all the evidence", Hank shook at the thought of blood," and don't go tasting any evidence while we're here"

"Got it", Connor nodded in return

"DPD! Anyone there", Hank knocked on the door. For a moment there was no reply. Hank knocked a second time and nothing. He readied himself for the third knock, then the door opened up to reveal a middle-aged man.

"Can I help you?", the man asked timidly.

"DPD, we're here to view a body related to a case", Hank looked down at the man," The one involving androids"

"Oh yes", the stepped back to allow the two detectives to enter.

"Oh yes", the stepped back to allow the two detectives to enter

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