044 | Don't Let Me Down

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The cafe's interior was warm and bright with string lights and warmly toned decorations. Erika and Connor walked in as a couple and made their way to Hank and Natalie who were sitting at a table by the stage set up. It was composed of string lights and various tapestries to create a backdrop. Some microphones stand were placed there along with a speaker for any musician that had an instrument. A young man was up and singing with his guitar, a tune that reminded Erika of the country genre of music.

 A young man was up and singing with his guitar, a tune that reminded Erika of the country genre of music

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Erika approached the old couple while holding Connor's hand

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Erika approached the old couple while holding Connor's hand. A wide smile came to her mother's lips as she saw the sight of public affection. In the background, the sound of espresso machines could be heard as a muffled noise while the tune the man played was very audible. The crowd cheered as the song came to an end and Natalie went on up as she was the night's hostess.

"Let's give it up for Matt and his rendition of I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons" the crowd smiled and a roar of an applause soon followed. A small band went on up and waited for Natalie's words on introducing them.

"And now for the performance, I know many of you have been waiting for..." one of the band members went up to Erika and extended his arm in a manner that was very chivalrous. As she took his hand in hers, the man pulled her to feet, brought her to the stage, and positioned her behind the microphone.

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