050 | Dine In

425 23 9

[ Listen to the music for the full experience & if needed loop the video]

The golden rays of the sun had a haziness to them as the couple exited the apartment--them leaving the company of others to just be together; just the two of them. Erika's golden locks glistened with warmth as she walked to her vehicle and before she could open the passenger's door herself, a gentleman's hand extended itself to the door handle. Her hazel eyes looked up and met with those of Connor, the action itself was taken straight from any romantic movie, the scene where the man acts chivalrous and opens the car door. And this very action made Erika bubble with joy as she thanked the detective android with a smile. He soon entered the driver's side, turned on the vehicle's engine, and drove off to their destination. The radio soon made itself present with a slow sounding song that started with some chords strummed by a guitar.

As Connor drove, Erika watched the scenery outside window move in a consistent blur. Her eyes fixated on the world beyond the tempered glass. The sound of ringing echoed through her mind and the singing was slightly muffled. All that occupied her mind was the deal she made with Conan, to turn herself into him in three days time. She wanted more time--more time to spend with her family--with her mom, Rizzo...and Hank; the family, the one she always had but never knew until now.

I know it sounds funny but I can't stand the pain

Erika closed her eyes as if in pain, the very thought of leaving all of this behind was heartbreaking. Especially since she would also be leaving Connor, someone who helped her through so much, a person that gave her life meaning, another being that loved her. A single tear rolled down her cheek, but it was quickly erased with a swipe of her hand.

And I'm leaving you tomorrow

Although, Connor did notice her gaze outside for a while and glanced over to her at a red light. He was about to say something, but soon the light turned green and they soon approached their destination.

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The diner was bustling with breakfast goers and the aroma of sizzling bacon intoxicated the space

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The diner was bustling with breakfast goers and the aroma of sizzling bacon intoxicated the space. It was a welcoming smell accompanied with a strong sweet zing of maple syrup and the subtle hint of freshly brewed black coffee. 

That's why I'm easy, I'm easy like Sunday morning

That's why I'm easy, I'm easy like Sunday morning

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