047 | A Test, A Deal

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In the darkness created by the trees, the madman kept his grip on the woman's neck steady. He watched her gasp for air and he let out a low chuckle. He threw her to the ground and circled her motionless body. A sneer left his lips as grotesque thoughts of violating the woman came to his mind. The cold night air echoed each step he took as his gaze was focused on her body.

 The cold night air echoed each step he took as his gaze was focused on her body

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"Let's...try that again" his voice seemed to have venom spilling out with each word he spoke. Conan propped her up against the fallen tree and squatted down to her level. The maniacal man pulled out a blade from his side and waved it in front of Erika's face. With each centimeter the blade made towards her, the young woman's heart began to beat faster and faster. Fear was painted on her face as she tried to move away once again, but she failed since the control Conan had on her was still in effect.

"Now let's make a deal, Evergreen" Conan put aside his obsessive behavior and tightened his grip on the handle of the knife. He brought it close to her neck and spat out a demand.

"If you obey...I'll make sure that tinman and the old officer won't get hurt" his gaze soon became a glare, the beam that kept its lock on her became strong as he bought the knife closer, grazing her skin ever so slightly that the skin got irritated and started to appear inflamed.

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