005 | Unexpected

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"Hank she's just like the victim from yesterday's case", Connor looked at the innocent looking woman and back at Hank. The older man was processing the information in his seat, attempting to grasp onto what he was told.

"I'm sorry, who are you?", Erika questioned the android at her bedside.

"My name is Connor, I'm an android sent by CyberLife to assist Lieutenant Anderson on investigating cases involving deviants", he played his small bio about himself with the addition of Hank as his partner

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"My name is Connor, I'm an android sent by CyberLife to assist Lieutenant Anderson on investigating cases involving deviants", he played his small bio about himself with the addition of Hank as his partner.

"English Connor", Hank looked at him with a shake of his head

"I'm his investigation partner at the DPD", Connor simplified for her to process at her own pace.

"But why are you here", she questioned suspiciously, her hand fiddled with the hospital bedding.

"The lieutenant asked me to", he simply replied and stared at her.

"Okay enough about Connor and more about you missy", Hank stood up and focused himself on Erika," I can tell that your arm looks too good to be a prosthetic"

Hank took a hold of her right arm and saw that only hospital bands were encircled around her wrist and no IV or heart rate device attached. Both items Connor found missing during his scan of the room.

"I-I don't want to talk about it, not yet at least", she was hesitant as if something was holding her back.

"Why not", Hank turned towards her with frustration in his eyes.

"We searched for you and even mourned for you and-", the lieutenant choked on his words and started to tear up," I wasn't able to find you, you were here and I didn't find you"

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"We searched for you and even mourned for you and-", the lieutenant choked on his words and started to tear up," I wasn't able to find you, you were here and I didn't find you"

"We searched for you and even mourned for you and-", the lieutenant choked on his words and started to tear up," I wasn't able to find you, you were here and I didn't find you"

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Partially Human | Detroit Become Human - ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now