033 | Thiefs

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The air inside the laboratory level became thick with tension

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The air inside the laboratory level became thick with tension. Staff members who were present avoided confrontation with the small group and walked around the barrier they have placed. Connor looked at the woman with stern eyes for he knew she had a secret she won't tell. Question was, what kind of secret was she concealing? The middle-aged woman took in a deep breath and faced the detectives with her words.

"He was a man that needed work, Eversen employs anyone who is qualified for a variety of positions", she continued to talk as she led the group of three down to a hall lined with sets of rooms that seemed to designed to test each android produced by the small company," but I must say, hiring someone that had insight on how CyberLife functions was a plus"

Connor looked at the woman as she may have intel on confidential CyberLife information. He analyzed the situation and proceeded to question woman as he was the most equipped for the job.

"You said insight on CyberLife, what type of insight?", he pushed forward as they made their way to what seemed to be a mechanical engineering room. Incomplete and prototype limbs were scattered along numerous metal benches. Employees with tool belts and enhanced eyewear tinkered with a designated piece of machinery. Erika looked in amazement and moved her arm to mimic those of the mechanical limbs. She was blown away for they were not just metal bolts and plastic, but the limbs looked so life-like. One of the employees applied thin layers of a spray that formed muscle. The limb soon came together and was tested for mobility. Unknowing Erika stepped out and stayed put to watch, while Connor and Hank awaited Ms. Satchell's reply.

 Satchell's reply

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