034 | Software Instability

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Snow began to cascade over the moonlit morning as it slowly left and the sun arrived

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Snow began to cascade over the moonlit morning as it slowly left and the sun arrived. The vintage car rolled down the street and to the cafe with a residence above. Its occupants were silent as the encounter with the CEO of Eversen was an experience, to say the least. Although, no one was as silent as Erika for she was will in shock of Connor's behavior, causing her to be at a loss for words. The three stayed in the car for minutes after Hank parked along the curb. No one seemed to want to leave for they all were all taken aback from the informational confrontation with Reina Satchell. In her seat, Erika noticed that the second floor was bathed in a bright light, fear struck her as her thoughts began to think of the very person who could be in the residence. Connor noticed the look on he face and turned to the second level and also saw the light. With cautious movements, the android left the safety of the passenger seat and headed for the main entrance. Oblivious to the situation at hand Hank proceeded to question Erika innocently.

"Did you leave the light on for Rizzo again?", Hank started as he let out the woman from the back seat, locked the car, and followed Connor to the main entrance.

"Ye-yeah", Erika nodded with hesitation as it was a reason to why the light was on, but she made sure that the lights were turned off before she left for Stratford tower.

"Damn, he still has his separation anxiety? or was it fear of being left in the dark?", Hank tried to remember the reason to why the lights needed to be turned on before but shrugged it off as the main door was opened and they all climbed the shot set of stairs to the landing. Erika grabbed her keys and slowly brought them to the lock. She turned the keys and the door simultaneously and slowly opened the door. To her surprise, the door flung open to an excited Rizzo and Erika was on the floor once again being attacked by the furry companion. From her point of view, Erika saw a sideways sight of a pair of socked feet. She then turned his head to get a look of the unknown occupant and relief washed over her as it was just her mother.

"Mom you nearly gave me a heart attack!", the young woman stood up from her spot on the ground as the animal made its way to the couch awaiting Hanks company. The old man let out a low chuckle and followed the animal--Connor followed silently as he sat down on an armchair near the lieutenant.

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