015 | Conversation

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That night Erika was restless, she didn't want to eat her dinner and the act of closing her eyes made her tremble in fear of having another nightmare.

That night Erika was restless, she didn't want to eat her dinner and the act of closing her eyes made her tremble in fear of having another nightmare

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Connor stayed with her that night as Hank had to go home for the evening. The android questioned his partner and was only told that he had to take care of Sumo. Connor didn't question the lieutenant any further as he left the hospital room with Erika's mother. As the two walked out Connor noticed them smiling as the sliding room door closed.

The room filled itself with silence as its two occupants did not dare to speak to one another. Erika let out a sigh as she was indeed tired, but the action also stated that she was bored. Connor looked at her and proceeded to start a conversation with the woman.

"Erika, how are you this evening?", he blinked and looked at the woman who fixed her position so that her body faced him.

"Hmm, well I've been glued to this bed for almost two days", she started with a humored look," I'd like to walk around and not just for the restroom"

"I would find that unadvisable due to your current physical state", Connor blinked at Erika. His mannerisms shifted for when she was awake, he would become nervous at his actions and hesitant with his words. He simply did not want to leave a bad impression.

"Come on! Pleeease", she elongated the "e" sound in the word please as she batted her eyes in a similar fashion that puppies do when they want something. Connor just looked at her actions and tilted his head in confusion. She let out a huff in defeat and looked at the android.

"Guess they programmed you with the resistance for the puppy eyes", she laughed," Hank would always fall for that when I was a kid--he could never say no to me"

Connor nodded as he wanted to continue this kind of conversation with her since her happiness levels increased.

"You seem to be very close to Hank", he said.

"I am, he's like a dad to me", she answered with a small smile as she remembered pulling pranks on Hank and even one on Fowler at the DPD.

"I am, he's like a dad to me", she answered with a small smile as she remembered pulling pranks on Hank and even one on Fowler at the DPD

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