025 | Briefing

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The night became colder than expected as the temperature dropped below zero and into the negatives. Dressed in inappropriate clothing for the weather the lieutenant ordered Connor to drop off Erika for the night. The woman looked out the window as she replayed the events that happened less than an hour ago. The high from their kiss still lingered as a blush stayed on her cheeks. She touched her lips as the metallic taste of his lips were still prominent. In the rearview mirror, Connor saw the woman's actions and smiled at the image. He felt a warm feeling amongst his chest plate as the beats of his heart echoed to his ear, he felt happy, alive even. The android detective immediately shook his head as he could not let these feelings show physically for if they did it would become evident that he was going off course--from the path to complete the mission. He parked the vehicle by the entrance of the closed cafe and exit to escort the woman to her apartment. She nodded and gave a hug to the less drunk man in the passenger seat before leaving the car.

"Goodnight and don't drink! I'll know!", She said and waved at the older man as he sat in the car drinking a water bottle.

With her clothes damp from being out in the rain, Erika headed straight up the stairs and to her bedroom to quickly change. She re-emerged from the sleeping quarters and found Connor waiting at the doorframe. The young woman made her way over and looked up at the handsome android.

"I guess this is goodnight detective", she smiled at Connor as her lips craved for another kiss.

"Goodnight, Erika", Connor looked at her with loving eyes for even he, as an android designed to tolerate a variety of actions, whatever Erika did would undo these restraints as he became less mechanical and more human. He let out a small smile and pulled her in close as he wanted to stay but he needed to debrief with the lieutenant. Connor released Erika from his hold and kissed her on the forehead, as for if he did it on the lips he would not leave.

"Don't worry I'll be safe", Erika reassured him as she grabbed the cast iron pan from earlier that day. He let out a small chuckle and nodded her way as he closed the door. The young woman went over to the couch and laid on top of the soft cushions and was accompanied by her furry friend. Rizzo's warmth protected her from the crisp night air and soon brought her to a sleeping state for no nightmares dared to harm her, not with the happy memories she replayed in her dreams.

- - - - - -

Connor exited the building after he locked up all of the security mechanisms and the main entrance. He entered the car and noticed a six-pack of beer in the back seat. The android said nothing and drove off.

Hank had Connor drive him to a vacant park by the river that viewed the bridge that connected the city to the rest of the state. The lieutenant was the first to exit the vehicle as he readily grabbed one of the bottles in one hand the rest of the pack in the other. He parked himself on a park bench facing the body of water. Snow fell as the old man began to drink away his troubles.

 Snow fell as the old man began to drink away his troubles

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Partially Human | Detroit Become Human - ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now