028 | Freedom of Speech

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When the two detectives arrived at the scene media vans and intrigued passerby individuals crowded around the police barricade. Reporters questioned anyone who seemed to know something about what occurred hours prior. DPD androids lined the blockade with blank expressions as they guarded the authorities and kept the civilians out.

As Hank and Connor made their way to the police-entrance a swarm of reporters ran towards the partners. They began asking frantic questions on the situation at hand. The questions differed in wording but all meant the same. As the two made it across, they were greeted by other personnel--it was not a pleasant sight. The situation grabbed the attention of not just the local police, but the FBI, CIA, and other government-related entities. The two bypassed any unnecessary interactions and entered an elevator. Hank typed in the digits for the 79th floor and stood still in silence.

During the wait time of the ride, Connor proceeded to do coin tricks with a quarter. The clinking of the small metal disk chimed within the closed space. Hank began to tap his index finger in annoyance of the trick. He was able to tolerate the coin show until they reached the 72nd floor before snatching the small amount of currency from Connor's hand.

 He was able to tolerate the coin show until they reached the 72nd floor before snatching the small amount of currency from Connor's hand

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"You're starting to annoy me with that thing", Hank snapped as he was just jealous of the cool trick

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"You're starting to annoy me with that thing", Hank snapped as he was just jealous of the cool trick. The doors opened to the 79th floor and numerous types of personnel littered the floor--law enforcement, government agents, forensic staff; basically anyone that wanted to poke their nose into this potential threat to human life.

 The doors opened to the 79th floor and numerous types of personnel littered the floor--law enforcement, government agents, forensic staff; basically anyone that wanted to poke their nose into this potential threat to human life

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Partially Human | Detroit Become Human - ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now