030 | Awkwardness

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As the last remnants of the sound of a gun being fired various personnel and authorities entered the hall to inspect what had occurred. An android was seen embracing a woman that appeared to be involved with the shooting. Her body shook at the event that passed for more than minutes, but in reality, it happened in a blink of an eye. To calm her nerves and her shaking body she walked away and took in deep breathes. The android detective followed her steps as they made their way back into the broadcast room and up the steps to the roof. Confused at why the woman did this, Connor kept the silence as they made their way up the stairs. A few personnel that did not hear the gunshots were present on the roof. The woman walked passed a storage container with all its doors open, her eyes began to squint at the sight. Erika pondered at the location for a couple of strides in a back and forth manner. She shook her head in disbelief and walked away from the metal container and to the edge of the building.

Simon left.

Connor followed and watched as she leaned against the railing and let out a sigh. Her breath became visible as the weather stayed stagnant from her previous visit.

"Is something on your mind, Erika", the android approached her in a mannered way as the eyes of strangers took a few glimpses at the two," if it was the gunshot-"

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"Is something on your mind, Erika", the android approached her in a mannered way as the eyes of strangers took a few glimpses at the two," if it was the gunshot-"

"No, it's not that, I just was so scared that-", her mind became clear as she now could think and turned to Connor. The woman's eyes traveled to his handsome face and noticed a peculiar detail. His collar was undone as well as his dress shirt, her eyes then trailed down his chest, then widened at the sight. Connor's chest was exposed and showed parts of his internal mechanisms and biocomponents. At the center of his chest was a visible indent where a device appeared to be taken out or replaced into the divet. Worry filled Erika's eyes as fresh blue blood was stained on his synthetic skin. Her hand hovered over the damaged area as she was intrigued about the device. Connor watched her movements as she looked at his chest, it was something that made his wiring spark. A sensation that was foreign to the elite android.

"What is this Connor?", the woman questioned the puncture wound on his chest. Worry filled her bright eyes as she slowly looked up to his chocolate orbs.

"One of the JB300s was a deviant--it pulled out my biocomponent #8451", his hand shifted and relocated itself in Erika's right hand. Their skins dissolved and he gave it a reassured squeeze.

"It regulates the heartbeat", he brought her hand to his chest and looked into her eyes," I was fortunate enough to obtain it in time for I won't be able to do this"

"It regulates the heartbeat", he brought her hand to his chest and looked into her eyes," I was fortunate enough to obtain it in time for I won't be able to do this"

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