019 | Going Home

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The sound of feet trudging through inches of water echoed throughout the concrete tunnel. Sewage debris littered the murky waters. Fragments of mechanical parts were scattered amongst the garbage. The two detectives proceeded to follow a lead for the duration of thirteen minutes. Disgusted to the core with the environment the lieutenant had to face he moved along with the peaceful android that did not mind the setting as much as his partner.

 Disgusted to the core with the environment the lieutenant had to face he moved along with the peaceful android that did not mind the setting as much as his partner

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"For fuck's sake Connor, where are we headed?", the lieutenant stopped below an open drain were a warm light welcome him with a taste of fresh air.

"Its nearby lieutenant", Connor said and continued to walk, unphased by the older man's complaint," it's just a few more meters"

"You're gonna have to track down my car if it gets towed", Hank said as he stomped passed Connor into, yet another tunnel.

"Of course, but I did advise you to not park at a red zone", Connor blinked and walked in front of the lieutenant to resume his position.

"When did you get so snarky?", the older man questioned his colleague," did CyberLife update you or something?"

"I believe extended interactions with you has made me reflect on your behavior with my own", he answered ad neared a gated door," but I was stating the cause for your expected effect"

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"I believe extended interactions with you has made me reflect on your behavior with my own", he answered ad neared a gated door," but I was stating the cause for your expected effect"

The lieutenant let out a sigh as he was foiled by his partner's honesty and truthfulness of his predicaments. Connor approached the gate and saw a lock.

"It's locked, we cannot enter this way", Connor walked away from his partner--giving the lieutenant an opportunity to show that he is capable of something. He pulled out his gun and shot a single bullet at the lock, Connor's LED flashed yellow at the action for he foresaw this in a pre-construct and only stated what said to ignite his partner's eagerness to leave.

"Thank you Hank", Connor proceeded to walk in first and up a ramp leading upwards.

"Thank you Hank", Connor proceeded to walk in first and up a ramp leading upwards

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