027 | Mother's Intuition

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The sky appeared warm even though it was pastel shade of blue the day's temperature made it look that way. A taxi drove up to a restaurant that lined itself along the river's edge. Ironically that was exactly the name of the establishment.

 Ironically that was exactly the name of the establishment

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River's Edge

Connor exited the driverless vehicle and headed for the entrance

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Connor exited the driverless vehicle and headed for the entrance. His LED lit itself for a moment as he checked the time.

11:58 am

He had arrived before noon as a state by Erika's mother. The handsome android received some looks by some of the restaurant's patrons as he made his way to the entrance. The interior displayed large chandeliers that hung along a tall ceiling above the main dining area. Connor approached the host station located at the front and saw that it was an android.

"How can I help you this evening", the android host asked as it looked over Connor's shoulder at the human guests.

"I'm here to meet someone, a Mrs. Daniel", Connor informed the host. The android searched his screen for the name to confirm. It nodded and put out an arm to show Connor the way.

"She has arrived and is waiting at the outdoor seating area", it smiled a brightly and traced the path to the exterior seating with its index finger for Connor to follow," have a great day"

It smiled again and resumed its position as other patrons came up to it. Connor walked the path and exited the ravishing interior to the breathtaking exterior. He spotted a woman start her meal and walked up to her to see if it was Erika's mother. Natalie looked up from her spring salad and smiled as she saw Connor.

 Natalie looked up from her spring salad and smiled as she saw Connor

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