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i woke up beside jack, reaching over and grabbing my phone to see ivy blowing up my phone. in fear, i got up, picked up my clothes and went into jack's bathroom.

i locked the door, dialling ivy's number while showering. she answered and i was relieved.

l- ives? are you okay?

i- no lola, i need you please

i turned off the shower and got dressed, telling her i'd be there soon. i opened the door to see jack smiling, reaching out for me. i hugged him and quickly got my stuff from the floor.

j- what's the hurry?

l- i'm sorry, ivy needs me and won't tell me what's wrong

j- do you need me to drive you??

l- no, you've done enough for me last night

i kissed his cheek and smiled, pausing for a moment before hurrying downstairs. i started the coffee maker before leaving their house.

i drove over the speed limit and got back to mine within minutes. i rushed in, leaving all my things in the car. i raced past carlos and brax who were having a meeting in the office and made my way to ivy's room.

she was sitting on the floor, holding a piece of paper in her hands. i sat by her side and she immediately wrapped her arms around me, sobbing into my chest. she didn't say a word, just handed me a note that she was holding.

'i know about your baby, and i know it isn't jonah's. this is a distraction for you ivy, you need to get rid of it, before i do."

i- t-they're going to kill my baby lola

l- they won't get to you, i promise

i- promise?

l- i won't let anyone take the baby from you... i promise ivy

she continued crying and i stood up, convincing her to sit on the bed. she laid back, falling asleep instantly. i could hear voices downstairs and presumed it was the girls, which it was.

i went down, smiling at everyone in the kitchen. although ashley wasn't there...

l- where's ash?

e- with carlos...

she smirked and the others laughed, my eyes went wide. i noticed they must've been hungry and went into the kitchen, looking around for things to cook. the problem is, i only know how to make mexican food from scratch....

chilaquiles, enchiladas, tostada? i had an idea and decided to get out the bagels as their a favourite. i asked if the girls mind spice and none of them did, which was amazing.

i started making my family's famous chipotle and jalapeno bagels. i was talking to everyone about my night with jack, causing the occasional squeal. these girls are so nice and welcoming, i feel like i could be myself around them.

once i served up breakfast, i took one up to ivy who was still asleep, i attempted to wake her but i decided not to. i picked up the letter off the ground and walked towards brax's office.

he wasn't on the phone for the first time so i took this as the time to give him the note. he looked shocked as he read it, asking how this could've happened. then his reaction changed from confused to angry.

b- we will assign six men to ivy when she's in public, if i let her out of the house. we will have men surrounding the house, twenty if we need it. two at each entrance. lola you are going to the warehouse today to pick the guards.

i nodded, thinking i should get out of there before he got really angry. i left, saying goodbye to the girls and driving straight to the warehouse. i had nothing on my mind except for ivy's safety.

i got to the warehouse, throwing the keys to our valet and going straight up to brax's head office. i had the look on my face not to talk, i only wanted to be talking and people listen, this was not something to joke with.

i called an emergency meeting for all the security guards and trainees. there were about three hundred who were in the bar, all eyes on me. i stood up, speaking from the loudest level i could and making sure everyone was listening.

i explained everything, leaving out no detail to her safety. i knew immediately who was going to be by ivy's side constantly; leondre. i trust him with my life so i trust him with her's. he took on the critical information, as did the other candidates.

l- you're all lucky it's me here and not king...

they started right now, driving back home behind me. some of these men had never seen my house, let alone the inside. i pulled in, while only two cars followed me, the rest were on the outdoors.

i gave them explicit instructions not to make themselves obvious to our guests, and no one except leondre was to come inside until they left this afternoon. i quickly booked a huge table at jack's favourite restaurant for all the boys and their families. i texted jack letting him know, and then i told the girls.

they got excited and went upstairs to get ready. i wanted to break down, cry in jack's arms and stop ivy's pain. i couldn't, not now. i am stronger than whoever is trying to break apart our family.

jack was blowing up my phone, asking how ivy was, but i didn't have the resilience to tell him. i will tell him tomorrow, when our security is on top of everything.

-eleven pm-

i couldn't take this, keeping things from jack. i already did it for so long and i can't anymore. i texted him to come over, not being able to handle this on my own.

he was over in minutes, almost driving to me like i was to ivy. i fell into his arms, crying and holding my breath. he moved my hair out of my face, but he didn't ask for an explanation, all he asked for was for me to smile.

i smiled faintly, kissing his cheek and moving to the living room with him. we watched dr phil reruns but i fell asleep from tiredness  within minutes, in jack's arms.


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