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we're driving to the boy's house now. ivy's driving, esther next to her and i'm in the back with anna and ashley. ava in the back. i'm humming the melody to 'hooked' when all of them look to me.

s- how do you know the song??

l- i'm in the music video with them...

ash- no way!

l- it's amazing and i can't wait for you guys to see it

we pulled up to the boy's house and the decorators were still there. ivy and i went over to thank and pay them. once they had left it was 6:50 and the boys would be here in ten minutes.

in a flash, everyone was here. celebrities, friends, families. everything was coming together, the music started and we decided to have 'hooked' playing when they came in.

we heard their voices outside and everyone stayed quiet. the di was ready to press play the minute they walked in. i stood behind the front door and i was going to jump out at them. the door unlocked and all five of them walked in to the starting beats of the song.

everyone jumped out screaming congratulations. i came out from my hiding spot to see jack immediately hug my tight. i kissed his neck and whispered in his ear.

l- i'm so proud of you

he smiled and kissed my forehead. i hugged all the boys and they were shocked to see their families here. i was scanning the room, jonah was introducing ivy to his mom and dad. zach was repeatedly kissing reece's cheeks and corbyn was laughing at something his dad said while hugging ashley. daniel smiled as his mom hugged him, and jack. jack had the biggest smile on his face, he had isla in his arms and ava clinging onto his waist.

he noticed me and called me over, i shook my head while smiling. i didn't want to take their time together. all of them looked over and smiled, waving me over.

i walked over, praying not to trip in these heels. one i reached jack, he used his free hand to wrap it around my bare back. i smiled at kristen standing across from us.

j- mom, this is lola

k- yes dear, we've met

j- when?

isla- she's the one who brought us here

ava- she's letting a bunch of us stay at her house

he looked at me shocked, before changing his expression for desire and love. i smiled up at him and he kissed my forehead, whispering slowly.

j- that's my girl

jack and i moved around, saying hello to everyone. then the boys were going to perform and make their speeches.

d- this song would've never been produced without our inspiration, or jack's.

z- she's helped us through a lot, and she's our rock.

jo- helped us understand the world around us

c- been a best friend to all of us

j- and showed me what it means to love someone...

did he just say he loved me? they sang 'hooked' and jack never took his eyes off of me.

i sang along to the words, dancing slowly with everyone while watching jack in front of me. i videoed the boys, putting it on my social media.

once they were finished, they made more speeches, about the album and about how grateful they are.

z- so we know a lot of questions have been going around about if this song is about anyone.

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