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c- he never let anyone talk about you, or mention you. he acted like he didn't know you and that's what hurt me the most. 

i listened in pain as my younger brother told me the harsh truth of my older brother. 

c- jack and i tried, not once, not twice, so many times. 

l- w-what?

c- we didn't want to accept that you were gone, so we tried so hard to get you back or get to you. but he blocked every single way of getting to you. jack hasn't left the house except for his music, and even then he wouldn't film for the video unless it was in your old office. 

that's where i recognised it from, it was my old office. although i hadn't been in there in months. i sat back in the couch cushion, letting everything sink in. i was back in los angeles, in my old home sitting across from my brother. 

c- brax, jack, selena and i were the only ones who knew where you truly were, and brax has changed since you left. 

l- i didn't leave, i was forced. 

c- i know, and i'm sorry. i swear to you i tried everything but-

l- i understand, thank you for trying. 

c- all that matters is you're home now, and i won't let anything like that ever happen to you again. 

l- jack?

c- brax convinced him that you left because of him, never wanted to see him again. he made jack think he was a monster, but the real monster was brax. he's mutated lola, and the only person who can talk to him is meg. 

l- meg? my best friend meg?

c- yes, they've been seeing each other. 

l- does she know?

c- only what he's told her; that you ran away...

i looked at the time and realised it was five in the morning, brax would be home any second. i got up and rushed to my feet, only to be sat back down by carlos seconds later. 

c- he hasn't been here in months. 

he had a saddened expression, abandonment. our family, my brother and i, left our little brother to fend for himself. this is the thing i feared the most, carlos being alone. and i was stupid to think brax would care for him.

i hugged carlos, feeling immensely bad for him. 

c- lola?

l- yes?

c- you need to see jack....

l- no, i can't. i'm the reason he's like this, and to see me would open up a whirlwind of questions that he doesn't need right now. 

c- he needs you

carlos stood, still taller than me and nodded out the window towards my car. i couldn't wait to drive it again, missing the open roof and the wind. there was one place i had to stop before seeing jack. 

i stopped at the prettymuch house, being told that austin was out. i had to pick up toulouse and said my last goodbyes to the boys. i thanked them for being there for me within the last year and making sure they knew we would stay in contact. 

then the next stop, jack's apartment. carlos showed me to the complex, and my anxiousness became louder as we walked up closer. he told me the floor and room number as i ran to the elevator. 

my heart pounded as i reached the floor, finding his door within seconds. i knocked heavily, questioning why i could hear noises inside but nobody was opening the door. i heard a cough to my right and looked over. 


he pulled me into a warm embrace, smiling and telling me all the things corbyn and daniel did. but then his expression got worse, smiles turning into frowns as he looked towards jack's locked door. 

j- he never opens his door, we all have a key for emergencies. 

he swiped his key card, opening the door slightly and leaving us alone. i smiled back to him before disappearing into jack's dim light. he was sitting there, on the couch, face illuminated by the big screen in front of him. 

he had more tattoos, his curls were still there but drooped alongside his face. he looked over for a split second and his gaze moved back toward the screen. until he stopped, staring in the distance and looking towards me again. 

j- no, it can't be. 

tears flooded my eyes, running towards him and falling into his lifeless arms. his eyes were watering, both in each other's arms after so long. 

j- i'm never letting you go again....

i took myself away, looking to jack and wiping away my tears even though i knew they were still falling. 

l- but jack, you've said that before, and you let me go to london alone...

j- lola, there are not enough words to describe how hard it has been without you, how hard i tried to convince myself that you didn't hate me, but brax's words stuck with me. 

l- he has that effect on people, but i want to tell you something. jack, you are not the reason i left, brax is. 

j- lola, i love you and i still want to marry you. 

my heart fluttered but sunk soon after. 

l- i want to say yes, but i just got out of a relationship. 

j- i guess i'll just have to make you fall for me all over again. 

he smirked, pulling me close as we leaned against the couch. being in his arms again made me forget everything bad in the world, but also made me remember carlos and toulouse in the car. a knock was signaled at the door and jack got up. 

when jack moved to the side, i saw carlos, zach, jonah, corbyn, daniel, jonah and toulouse in the doorway, smiling from ear to ear. they all hugged jack, feeling like they had their brother back. they sat around where we were, toulouse cuddling into my lap. 

z- who's this?

he pat toulouse, and smiled as he moved to zach's lap instead of mine. 

l- toulouse, i only got him a few days ago. 

c- welcome to the family toulouse....

this is family. 


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lola honey 🍯

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