Chapter 1

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Do you ever get when something is so wrong but it feels so right?

Or when you know you have to stop but you just can't help yourself?

What about where you just feel like it's impossible to stop cause you have no control over yourself ?

Well welcome to the story of my life.
I should say the story of my love life.

Karis' House | 6:30

I sigh as I hear the most annoying ringtone of my alarm go off.

'Cmon Karis just think about the day ahead' I tell myself as I finally find the urge to get out of bed.

I head into my bathroom as I tie up my hair and begin to brush my teeth.
I press play on my radio on my favourite station 'God is alive' as my favourite song Made a way by Travis green comes on.

I dance as I brush my teeth excited for what's in store for me today.

As I have my final rinse , I clean up and head on Into the shower.

'Oh my gosh this is my song !!' I gasp as Hallelujah by Alexandra Burke comes on.

'BUT YOU DONT REALLY CARE FOR MUSIC DO YAAAAAA' I sing like I was a finalist on the X Factor.

'Karis please I have a final State exam on today I really don't want to be annoyed by your horrible singing this morning !' My older sister Taylor yells.

I chuckle to myself.

Once done in the shower I get dressed into my basketball gear and grab my bag heading downstairs.

'Gooooood morning fellow house mate !' I sing as I walk in the kitchen.

'When your in a good mood your always so loud' Taylor moans.

'And what happens to be your issue Debbie Downer , do you know what day it is today?' I pop some bread in the toaster and head towards the kettle.

'Yes we get it , the HSBA finals are on today, the final that you won't shut up about' she says.

'You know I really don't know why your coming' I spread my bread.

'Mams forcing me to go. You know how she gets , one event that happens with someone  and all of a sudden it's a family road trip'

I go to take a seat beside her and I begin to much on my breakfast.

' I won't lie that is true,but this family event is actually exciting and important. I'm so confident I'll get MVP I  already know my speech inside and out sista' I nudge her as I take a bite out of my toast.

'Ahhh Karis you got crumbs on me , and don't call me sista ever again it's weird' she complains and starts to grab her bags.

'You heading out early this morning ?' I sip my tea.

'Yep , my exam starts at 8:30 it's now 7:20' she opens the door.

'Alright then sis, see ya at the big game !' I give her a thumbs up.

She rolls her eyes as she heads out.
The door slams shut.

'How many times do I have to tell you girls how to close the door !!' My mam yells.

'It was Taylor not me !' I say with a mouthful of bread.

'Noooo she gone, iz big sista gon?' My step sister Layla whines as my mam brings her down the stairs.

'Awh yes Layla she's gone , and the door hit her on the way out' I smirk at her.

'Could you be any more rude, I mean she's only four Karissa'

'She's just not my sister mom , therefore I hold no place nor respect for the girl'

'Your so complicated Karissa' my mam sighs.

My phone goes off as I see a text from my friend Alex.

Right outside!! ' it reads.

'Mam Alex is outside so I'm gonna head off' I grab my things.

'Ok sweetie good look ! You'll see us at the game later ok ?'

'Us ?' I turn back to look at her.

'Well of course, what you think your dad and Layla weren't gonna come ?'

'Well yeah cause maybe this is a family event, and i dunno maybe there not family'

'Loose the attitude, and yes they are coming because they are familyyyy' she imitates my voice.


'I think you should go now' my mom says.

'Whatever' I roll my eyes.

'B-Bye Kawis' Layla waves.

'It's Karis' I slam the door also.

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