Chapter 6 - The Draft

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"Tay oh my gosh !!! " I run into her arms.

"Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in ages gorgeous" I say as I hug her.

"Awh I miss you too" she pulls away.

"Sit down sit down" I pat the bench and scoot over.

"How are you ?" I ask her.

"I'm good I'm good, UCLA is really good I'm enjoying it there of course I miss you like crazy"

"I miss you too you have no idea. I didn't even know you were here !" I exclaim.

"Well I'm here with my cousins you know 'The Ball family'." she goes on.

And it clicks that's where Big Baller Brand is from.

"I'm here with Gelo and Lamelo, Lonzo is getting prepared for the draft" she goes on.

My heart skips a beat when she says Lamelo.

We haven't spoken since like 2 years ago before he left for that game in Houston.

I keep up with him some times but he's just gotten really cocky with his new found fame.
I guess the JBA is really taking a toll on him.

"Hello Karis are you listening?"

"Sorry what ?" I snap out of my thoughts.

"I said my Brother Kyle is getting Drafted tomorrow do you want to come with us ?" She giggles at me.

"Of course why wouldn't I ?"

"Great it will be a hug table cause him and Lonzo are going to be sitting next to each other so it will be his family......"

I zone out when she says we'll be sitting with Lonzo, that means I'll have to see Lamelo.

Face to face.


"You don't seem as excited as I thought you would be" Tay questions as she puts her heels on.

"I'm good I'm just you know abit tired from my game today, I really gave it my all you know"

Main reason I'm basically shitting myself, is because Lamelo is downstairs and I haven't seen him since.
Do I have to talk to him ?
What will he say to me?
Does he even remember me?

"Here Cmon let's take a cute picture for Instagram" she takes out her phone.


"Oh my gosh this place is huge" I look around at the hall they were having for the ceremony.

I haven't spoken to Lamelo yet, I've seen him before we left and I kept my distance.
We weren't in the same car for the ride on the way up here so,

So far so good.

"Oh Look here is our table guys, The Ball and Kuzma Family" Tay's dad reads out.

We all cheer as we go to take our seats .
I sit next to Tay and on the other side of me is Gelo.

"So Karis How has life been in The NCAA, i mean college lifestyle" Lavar asks me.

"It's been good, my team in very strong the people are lovely and College basketball is very different from High school but you know I play my version which makes me feel good" I smile.

I won't lie I have been struggling a little bit , the conditioning they do is insane and all the other girls in the team are very strong talk and powerful.

But I'm sure I'll find my way to fit in.

"You know I really think you should have some one on one lessons with Lamelo"

I slightly choke on mr drink.

"I meant ou guys are the same age, he's really getting noticed for his talent in the JBA and his skills improve more and more, isn't that right Melo ?"

He nods as he's too busy because he's on his phone.

"Melo !" Lavar calls again.

"Em yeah Karen that will be fun whatever your talking about" he goes back to his phone.

"It's Karis actually" I mumble.

Can this Draft be any slower ?

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