Chapter 12

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I walk into practice feeling quite confident, I'm trying to push myself more and more each time to be able to make it to the WNBA.

"Ok guys bring it in !" Coach calls all of us in a circle.

I sit next to Hayley and my other friend Katy.

"So I have good news everyone, we are taking a small road trip today.
We will be heading down to LA to watch the LA ballers one of the main teams of the JBA play a match to get some tips and pointers to improve our game ok ?"

Ahhh lord.

"Right Go pack your stuff we leave in 20 !" She says as we all get up.

"You nervous?" Hayley asks me in the changing rooms.

"Kind Of but I'm not really gonna pay attention to all of that, I just want to focus In learning and taking some notes" I zip up my bag.

"Good for you" she smiles as we both head out of the rooms.

I haven't texted Lamelo back after the message he wrote after he swiped up on my instagram story last night.

After the stunt he pulled the other night, it's right for me to just to leave him alone.


We finally arrived at the place the two teams were playing at and it was incredible.
We could see that the LA team were warming up already and I could see Lamelo.

But you know what, I'm not going to pay attention to him because I'm here for me.

"Oh my gosh Karis look" Hayley points out to me.

I look over to see that Georgia State are here aswell.
And Georgia state comes with who ?

"Is this happening right now like seriously?" I freak

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"Is this happening right now like seriously?" I freak.

"Yeah it is" Hayley sighs.

We go on to take our seats which weren't far from Georgia State and I'm assuming they're here for the same reasons.

"Can Everyone please rise for the national anthem sung by social media stars Why Don't we !"

My head shoots up as I hear Why Don't We.
Jacks here !

"Oh say can you see...." they sing.


"Oh my gosh that was unreal" I go to hug Jack

"Thank you so much I can't believe your hear" he pulls away.

"Yes oh my days, I had no idea you'd be here, I mean you band has now been broadcasted on TV" I point to the cameras.

"I know it's crazy, Cmon let me introduce you to the band" he bring me over to the guys.

"Karis this is Zach, Corbin, Daniel and Jonah" he introduces me to the 4 handsome boys in front of me.

"Karis this is Zach, Corbin, Daniel and Jonah" he introduces me to the 4 handsome boys in front of me

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"Nice to meet you all" I smile at them.

"Same here Karis ! Jack has spoken about you a lot since yesterday" I believe Zach said .

"Have you nowww" I nervously giggle at Jack.

"Well I guess we got along well" he looks in my eyes.

"Wowwww a few love birdssss" Corbin and the boys laugh.

"What we had a good time" I shrug.

"We could have a better one you never know" Jonah nudges me.

"We're gonna have to hold Jack back" Corbin says as we all laugh.

Oh my gosh these guys are so funny.
From the corner of my eye I could see Lamelo just starting at all of us,
mainly me.


The rest of the day turned Intokind of like a training camp, we got some nice practice in, picked up new skills and even Why Don't We we're playing basketball with us,
I mean how fun is that.

The only thing that's annoying me is that Lamelo won't stop staring at me for goodness sakes.

We were on a water break and I was with the guys and once again I caught Lamelo staring.

I honestly can't do this.

"Is there an issue ?" I walk up to him.

"Why would there be?" He sips his water.

"I dunno maybe because you've been staring at me all day Lamelo"

"You know your te only one that calls me Lamelo, I kinda like that" he winks at me.

"Oh so your flirting with me right now, you didn't seem this way yesterday" I fold my arms.

"Cause I'm playing hard to get duhh"

"Why I don't want you" I look at him up and down.

"We both know you do" he whispers in my ear which sends shivers throughout my body.

I mean he didn't even have top on !

I mean he didn't even have top on !

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"Well you kno-"

"What's going on over here ?" Lanessa basically sped walked over to us.

"Nothing we were ju-"

"You were just flirting with my boyfriend" she steps up to me.

"Sorry excuse me ?"

"What you think I didn't notice you've been checking him out all day, I mean hellooo do you not know that he's taken ?!"

"I'm sorry but like I told you the other night, I had my chance with Lamelo and now it's over, so you can sit your insecure ass down !" I snap.

"Oh Insecure ?! You little-"

"Break it up not girls stop it !" A coach I assumed from their team comes over and pulls us back.

"You guys can take this out on the court in two days time, definitely not here or now !" He says.

"What are you saying ?" We say at the same time.

"Youse will have a rematch on Wednesday, so you guys can face off then, as for now keep your distance"

This is just all I need, ughh.

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