Chapter 20

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3 Days Later

"Happy birthday hoeeee !!" I jump on Hayley's bed.

"Oh my gosh Karis I'm tryna sleep here" she turns over.

"Really? Your gonna be a little shit on your birthday ?"

"Look at the time it's bloody 9:00, I don't get up till half" she groans.

"Well we have training  at 10:30 then a match at 11:00, so we have to abuse this time to get your birthday breakfast in"

"Ok fine let's hurry then"


"So what we doing tonight?" I bit into my pancakes.

"I was actually thinking of having a huge party , in a hall and invite loads of people"

"I thought you weren't the party type"
"Well now that I'm 19 maybe I should start" she giggles.

"So then after the game it's straight into party planning mode ?"

"I guess so" we laugh.


"There they are" my teammate points out to Notre Dame the opposition team as they arrive.

"Come on guys they don't look that bad" I turn around to my team as they stretch.

"We're gonna do fine, were amazing so we'll take them"

"Karis you do realise they're undefeated" Hayley says.

"Hayley you do realise it's your birthday so stop being a Debby downer.

 Come on let's do some drills guys !"


There was a minute left of the most Intense game of my life and honestly I was dying.

We went to extra time and I've sat on the bench like twice so I'm completely exhausted, but I have to keep pushing for my team.

"Hayley !!!" I call as I ask her to pass me the ball.

I jump up and catch it, i run up to the top once I see the three point line i dribble slowly backwards.

Look up at the clock 30 seconds, I step back and I go for the shot and I turn around.
From the crowds response I knew it went in.

Beep beep beeeeeeeeep

"WE FUCKING ONE" I scream as I run over to my team .

I knew we could do it.

"Well done girls" we go up to coach.
"Guys guys wait" Hayley stops us.
"We have to hear who MVP is"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh" we all turn around to the host with the mic to find out who was MVP.


"And your Most Valuable player for this match is ... from Uconn huskeys it's Karis !!"

Oh my fucking god.

Is this a joke ?

"Well done babeeeeeee !!" Hayley jumps into my arms.

"Oh my gosh thank you I cannot believe this is happening right now !"

All my hard work is finally paying off.

This is just an indescribable feeling.



"This is honestly a great party Hayley you really outdid this one" I compliment her.

The theme was date night.

Now you would think it's a bit basic but it was kind of like a "Dance the night away" kind of theme which is what I really liked.

The prom you never had.

"Love you lots but I'll be back in a second I have to go present Why don't We" she hands me her drink.

"They're here ?"

"Yeah if that's ok with you"

"Y-yeah of course I was j-just not expecting them to perform. But go ahead everyone's waiting"

"Thisis why I love you " she blows me a kiss and walks away.

Perfect..Jacks here.

"Attention! Attention Everyone!" She gets on the mic.

"Thank you so much first of all for all of youse coming out tonight this means so much"

"WOOOOOOOOO !!" Everyone cheers.

"So as promised I told you guys I would get a special guest to perform tonight.

So ladies and gents please put your hands together for Why Don't We !!" She claps and walks off.

They boys come out and God damn they look good.

Slick black suits , fresh hair cuts I mean what more could you want.

Slick black suits , fresh hair cuts I mean what more could you want

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"What's going on guys we are Why Don't we" Daniel days.

"First off before I start I wanna wish the happiest of birthdays to my princess" he points to Hayley.


"She truly has one of the kindest hearts I know and really does deserve everything she desires so baby this song is for you" he starts to strum his guitar.

I couldn't help but during the performance to stare at Jack but it seemed like he mind was elsewhere cause he was staring at someone else. 

Wait is that Janessa ?!

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