Chapter 24 - I Need Your Approval ?

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I'm actually pretty sad that the nights over, I would love to do it all over again.

The training session, crying of laughter from James's ' jokes and to top it off my moment I had with Lamelo at the movies.

I can't wait to tell Hayley all about this .

I open the door to the dorm quite slowly thinking that she's probably asleep but as I peek she's sitting down watching some telly.

"I was thinking that you were asleep " I lock the door behind me.

"Nope" she pops the p.

"I'm exhausted, I just came in the door not that long ago, thought I'd have a small snack before I head to bed" she holds up her granola and yogurt.

"So tell me all about it , how was the road trip"I sit next to her.

"It was amazing" she emphasises.

"Like it was so old school and retro, but also so romantic and sexy. He really outdone himself and I've just never been happier "

"Awh Hayley, you can definitely tell that you guys are going nowhere but up in your relationship "

"Thank you, we all need to hang out do something fun all three of us soon"

"We will don't worry" I smile.

"But what about you , what you get up to while I was gone ?" She asks.

"Well actually went to the movies which I just came back from and also I went to a Steph Curry camp training thingy" 

"Oh really, did you take photos"

"Oh yeah ! Here have a look" I take out my phone and we both look in.

"Here's me and Steph just us two on our own" I say nervous for the next photo to come.

"Then here's a group photo" I look at her face waiting for her reaction.

"Wait is that Lamelo ?!" She squints and looks at the photo again.

"Yes , yes it is"

"Why are you saying that so confidently ? Your supposed to be staying away from him Karis !" She closes my phone.

"Okay well things and people change and I've forgiven him"

"You've forgiven him ? Really ? And that changes the fact that Jack and you are completely over?"

"Yeah well what's done is done and it's time to move forward anyway "

"I cannot believe what I'm hearing right now" she puts down her plate and gets up.

"What ? What can you not believe Hayley ?"

"Your cried for days next to me ! Telling me how much you hated him and that you'll never talk to him again ! My fucking gosh Karis you wanted to stop basketball because of this guy ! Now all of a sudden were all happy families and all is forgiven?"

"Why are you making this such a big deal as my best friend your supposed to support me no matter what happens " I just feel the tears form.

"Yeah and I'm also supposed to protect you from being stupid, that prick is going to break you heart again and I know it. I smell trash from a mile away" she folds her arms.

"So this is how it is huh ? Your just not even gonna let me explain?"

"What's the point, all is forgiven anyway" she mocks me and walks into the bedroom.

I don't  even know what just happened .

Yes I know that I did nothing but express how much I hated Lamelo.

But what all of a sudden when I want to forgive second chances don't exist anymore?

Like what the hell is that ?

*  *  *

I didnt really need to grab much to leave , I just took my hoodie and walked out of the dorm.

I dont want to sleep in the same room as Hayley tonight, so she she can what give out about what side I sleep on ?

I'm a grown girl, I can choose who I hang with and I know what's good and what's not for me. As me best friend she should be able to see that.

As much of a coincidence this is after everything that has happened right now where I am is the only place I can think of.

I took a deep breath and stand outside his house.

I'm actually crazy .

Should I do this?

Am I gonna regret this?

I brace myself and I start to climb the tree on my way up to his room.

I brace myself and I start to climb the tree on my way up to his room

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"Holy fuck" I whisper , I knock on his window.

He had earphones on so I knocked again.

He looks up with bulging eyes, I couldn't tell if he was happy I was here.

"What are you doing here so late ?"

"Can I step in its freezing out here" I rub my arms .

"Sure but be quiet my family are sleeping, but why are you here ?"

"Lamelo I honestly had nowhere to go"

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